Meet RaggedyCat

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Basic Information About You:

Name: Chiqui Perez

Username: RaggedyCat

Age: Secret

Gender: F

Location: Paranaque City

Birthday: :)


Color: Blue and Green

Song: "Beautiful Ending" by Barlowgirl

Food: Sushi and Pasta

Subject: Psychology and Literature


1.) When did you find Wattpad?

December 2013

2.) What can you say about Wattpad?

A good avenue for writers to electronically publish their works and ideas for free.

3.) When did you start to write? And why?

In my lifetime? 10 years old. In Wattpad? December 2013. I wrote because I was inspired by the books I read, and I wanted to do the same.

4.) Who inspires you?

J.R.R. Tolkien, Stephen Moffatt, Ray Bradbury

5.) Is Wattpad a good influence or not?

It's mainly a good influence as it encourages the writing creativity of users worldwide. If not for the trolls.

6.) What are the genres you write?

Adventure, Fantasy, General Fiction, Science Fiction, Historical Fiction

7.) Messages to your readers/fans?

You guys are awesome. Keep being that way. ;)

8) Message to your haters?

Laters. Got no time for this sh*t.

9.) Why do you want to join this club?

I'd like to join a more serious writing club. The online cClubs" I've joined before are full of pa-cute, papapansin, and useless shenanigans. :( Wala nang kalokohan. Seryosong pagsusulat na.

Your other side:

1.) Will you please tell us about yourself?

I'm more of a traditional writer (meaning that I don't approve of emoticons being used in the story, or excessive exclamation marks, or too many all-caps, etc). I keep irregular hours at work. I'm a cat-lover, and a geek. I have reading ADHD... meaning I read multiple books at the same time. :P I'm nice but sometimes grumpy.

2.) Please differentiate yourself as a writer and as a normal individual.

Writer - I take the craft seriously. Writing is an art, and not a plaything, while it's fun to experiment at first. I'm strict with my own writing standards. I hardly compromise, unless really needed. As an individual, I'm pretty much okay to get along with. I fangirl over lots of things, usually over British men and dead national heroes. I'm weird, I know. I'm not a very typical person. :P (Although introverted most of the time)

3.) Greatest achievement here in Wattpad.

Connecting with readers and writers around the world. I write in English so readers abroad can scrutinize my work.

Signed by: Chiqui Perez/RaggedyCat

Date: March 17, 2014

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