Let's Go, Just One On Two

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Both Ruby and Sapphire were rendered helpless by the sudden disablement of all their remaining teammates. As the mutants advanced with their portentous composure, each gem searched frantically for a rational solution with wide eyes. Eventually their gazes interlocked and an unspoken message transpired between the twosome. They sprinted towards each other with their arms outstretched. Almost as soon as their skin made contact, wisps of steam began to drift upwards as a result of ice meeting fire. The wisps soon formed drifts, and the drifts melded together to create a cloud of opaque white. The enemy was confounded by this abrupt change in events. It wasn't until a broad form erupted from the haze that the foes came to terms with the opponent they were facing. "Tear 'em up, 'G!" Amethyst yelled gruffly from where she was helping Steven to his feet. A satisfactory half-smirk curled at the corner of the fusion's mouth. "Gladly." Garnet laced her own fingers together and snapped them outwards, enjoying the appeasing popping noise. Her bulky red gauntlets appeared moments later as she leapt several feet into the air to meet a beast's face. She shoved her fist outwards with as much brute force as she could manage. It connected with the behemoth's neck, leaving a wide gap where her knuckles had sank into its discolored flesh. The colossus bellowed a mighty cry of defeat before dissipating into an inanimate rock fragment. By now Amethyst had joined the tussle, using her studded whips to entangle another hellion and constrict it like a snake's prey until it combusted into shards of brightly colored rock. "Have you seen Pearl?" Garnet requested with her perspiring brow knitted in deep concern. "She got thrown onto those rocks. Probably poofed by now." Amethyst pointed a stubby finger over to a group of meanacingly peaked stones with piles of rubble surrounding them. Garnet didn't hesitate to bound over the remnants of the stairs until she stumbled across an unconscious Pearl, who was laying in an amassment of wood splinters. She scooped the fragile gem into her arms and dashed inside The Temple. Tenderly Setting Pearl down on the couch, she was cautious not to cause her any more pain than she was already in. Garnet swiped a smudge of dirt off of Pearl's pale face. "Soon." She leaned down and planted a kiss on her cheek. Pearl's only response was a slight groan. Garnet peered outside. Amethyst had finished off the rest of the Mutants and was coaxing Steven to crawl out from under a fallen panel where he had taken refuge during the battle. A familiar ache crept back into her head when Ruby's voice spoke.

Alright, Garnet. Now that the fighting is over, you should unfuse.

"I won't do it." She hardly realized that she was speaking aloud until the statement had already slipped out.

Be prepared to live with our constant bickering, then.

You can't be serious right now! Are you really going to let her off the hook so easily, Sapphire?

It was bound to happen at some point.

Author's note:

I probably should have mentioned this a while ago, but I want to thank patzyholly and ElementalStone2525 for following me! I appreciate it!

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