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"I hope you realize that you're running away from your own 'personal space' ." Amethyst called after Pearl as she let the door slam in her wake. "Pearl!" Steven's nasally voice resounded through the living room. She strived to keep her anger collected at the mention of her own name. "what do you want?!" She found herself seething between a gritted jaw. Her face softened when she saw the he was out of breath and wheezing to gain control of his voice. He flicked a few beads of sweat off of his forehead and pointed to the window. "... Ran to get help..." He panted. Pearl whipped her gaze over to the direction that Steven had gestured to and was appalled by the events that were taking place down on the beach. Four more abhorrent Gem Mutants were rampaging in the sand below. At the feet of the beasts stood two red and blue figures that seemed as if they were mere insects compared to the deformities. "It looks like those monsters that you all were fighting a couple of weeks ago had some friends." Steven, who had regained his breath by now, stated grimly. Pearl sighed disdainfully. "Get Amethyst. I'm going to join them."

Why can't they just get over it and fuse?!

In the back of her mind, Pearl asked that question on a daily basis. Now was one of those times. As she darted out onto the porch it became increasingly clearer that Ruby and Sapphire were struggling to control their bearings. A thin trail of flames flickered around one the monster's feet, which Pearl decided was most definitely the work of Ruby. However, the fire didn't seem to hinder the pandemonium. Pearl could only observe in dismay as a brute charged over to the stairs and sent one of its many limbs flying into the railing. Shards of wood soared through the air and collided with a nearby pile of jagged rocks. At that moment, her protective reflexes took action. She seemed to naturally glide down the demolished steps and into the fray of the battle. "Need a little help?" She inquired as she joined Sapphire at one of the Mutant's revolting talons. "I wish I could say no." Sapphire responded with the same stoic facial expression despite the utter mayhem erupting around her. Pearl could see that she had been trying to freeze the wretch's feet to the ground with her uncanny ability to control the element of ice. Her strategies obviously weren't serving a functional purpose to the overall effort that was required for this type of combat. Sharp wedges of melting ice were spewed into Pearl's face as the atrocity burst through yet another encasement. She sighed dismally and summoned her spear. "For Garnet." She mumbled half-heartedly as to not lift her hopes up. In the process of Aiming her weapon towards the gemstone of the nearest creature, she caught a glimpse of Amethyst and Steven attempting to descend the wreckage out of the corner of her eye. Her grip on the javelin alleviated considerably when she watched Steven stumble over the meager remains of the staircase and plummet off the veranda. Everyone could only observe in pale horror when his body impacted the sand with an audible thud. That was the last event Pearl witnessed before the simple swipe of a misshapen claw flung her skywards. The carefree weightlessness of the unexpected suspension in midair only lasted for less than a second before she crashed onto a pile of shrapnel. Searing, prodding needles of pain entered her body with a vicious bloodlust. Dark clouds instantly swam in front of her vision, obscuring the sun from view. Even the voluminous ringing in her ears dulled the sound of several comrades calling her name in concern. However, there was only one presence that she could distinctly discern from the rest. An accented voice gently whispering soothing words that the others couldn't find. Muscular arms lifting her off the sea of residue and onto an inviting plush sofa. Lips that lulled the pain of the present with just a singular kiss.

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