No hesitation

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The following weeks passed at painstakingly stagnant pace. Pearl often caught herself drifting aimlessly without the guidance and reassurance of Garnet's presence as each eventless day dragged on. An aching sensation lingered within her stomach that seemed to constantly threaten a sob of desperation each time she took a breath. Despite the cries of confinement that lurked within her mind, her eyes remained too dry for the release of tears. At the current moment she was only vaguely listening as Amethyst and Steven enthusiastically exchanged stories with Ruby and Sapphire. "- And then the monster totally almost tore me in half! That's whenever  good 'ole Progie stepped in with one of her old fashioned plans and tried to heroically save my ass.. again." Amethyst exaggeratedly drawled. Sapphire covered her mouth with her hand to stifle a giggle. "Don't use language like that around Steven." Amethyst snorted passively. "This is exactly what I was talking about! Steven is 14 now. I think he can handle some minor profanity." Steven glanced at Amethyst disapprovingly. Actually I don't-" She slapped a hand over his mouth. "He's fine with it." Ruby cackled deviously. "It's too bad that me and Sapphy don't unfuse more often. Garnet doesn't know how to appreciate your jokes." The laughter that was previously circulating around the room died in an instance. "Try to avoid... that particular subject... around 'P. She's still upset." Amethyst attempted to whisper in Ruby's ear. Pearl rewarded her a dry and emotionless smile. At least her teammates were trying to be sensitive. The unsettling silence that followed was Pearl's obvious cue to exit the living room. "Believe it or not; I catch your subtle hints. I can't say that I blame you for thinking I'm a nuisance." She pushed herself up from the couch on which she had been resting on and trudged to her room. It wasn't long before she noticed that someone had accompanied her. "What do you want?!" She whipped around only to come face to face with a startled Amethyst. "Whoa! Chill, 'P. I just wanna talk to you." Pearl ran her fingers through her strawberry blonde hair in exasperation.  "stop trying to tell me that this is for my own good. The only thing I've been able to listen to for the past couple of weeks is the entire team giving me the same lecture." Amethyst brushed a shock of disheveled hair out of her face, revealing both of her vivacious violet eyes. "I didn't come to lecture you." She grabbed Pearl's chin with a sudden terseness and yanked her head downwards so that she made eye contact with the shorter gem. "I just came to state a few facts." The atmosphere shifted instantly when a prominent flush crept across the top of Pearl's cheeks. The way Amethyst handled her with such forcefulness reminded her of Garnet's desperate attempts to show affection. "That's what I thought." She smirked devilishly as her captivating eyes twinkled with mischief. "W-what are your intentions?" Pearl's heart began to palpitate. "My intentions..?" Her voice cracked when she tried to raise an octave. "If you're dying to know; why don't you find out?" Pearl bit her bottom lip as Amethyst advanced a little nearer while winding a subtle arm around her shoulder. "From your supposed 'quick wit' I would've thought that you'd caught on to my games by now." A clamorous echo could be heard throughout the space as she stepped progressively in Pearl's direction. She took an unsure pace backwards to counteract the advancement.

What's the purpose in stopping Amethyst when I don't have a reason to stand behind my actions?

Another step ricocheted off the hollow walls.

If Garnet isn't coming back any time soon; then why not have the next best thing?

The sound that followed her impulsive thoughts indicated another footfall. She instinctively retracted yet again, only to find herself pinned against a wall. "Get it over with." Her voice was huskily shrouded with a luster that she didn't recognize as her own. "If you insist~" Amethyst replied with the same unidentifiable concupiscence. She had barely acknowledged the fact that her eyes were squeezed shut until Amethyst's lips were upon hers. The rigidness that had once plagued her body alleviated at the inviting, satiny contact. She found herself slumping into Amethyst's grasp as she ran her fingers through the bedraggled tangles in her ravishing locks of white-blonde hair. A trickle of perspiration slid down the nape of her neck when Amethyst separated herself from Pearl and began instilling kisses along the base of her collarbone. When she closed her eyes once again, she could almost perceive the distant feel of her former lover's body looming over her. She felt her gut tighten at the thought of Garnet's tender yet firm way of expressing her innermost desires. The fabric of Amethyst's shirt was clasped tautly between her fingers as she let the recollections drift without restraint. "G-Garnet.." She timorously whimpered at the reminiscences. "I knew it." Amethyst withdrew herself just as she pulled the first knot loose on Pearl's sash. "The second that I try to take your mind off of Garnet, you start moaning her friggin' name." There was a sarcastic grin displayed across her face. "You're hopeless. A lost cause. Too far gone. However you want to put it, you've fallen way too hard for that curvy hunk of stone." She pushed her mop of snarled hair out of her face once again only to have it tumble back into its original position. "And just to think.. I thought I could make you fall for me by getting Garnet out of the way." Pearl's eyes dilated in shock. "You did what?!" Amethyst backed away with her hands held upwards in a defensive position. "The poor thing was already sexually frustrated. The only thing I had to do was stir up a little bit of trouble and BAM! She comes unfused. But I learned my lesson. I can't make you fall for me yadda yadda... I get it now." Pearl's initial surprise instantaneously transformed into infuriation. "you've pulled the last straw with me, Amethyst." She raised a hand to slap her, but after a moment she clenched her fist and forced it downwards. She then proceeded to storm away from Amethyst. Away from the self centered gem that had destroyed what she had desperately attempted to create.

Author's note:

herro my readers

sorry that the wait was really long for this chapter... I had a long month of test prep and two weeks of finals so excuse my heinous deeds. Thanks for all the reads and votes!

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