Let's Go, Just Me And You

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Nfsw warning. What the perverts have been waiting for, and what the weak of the stomach have been dreading.

The first word Pearl's parched mouth was able to utter was her lover's name when she was awakened from her unconscious state. "Garnet?" She groaned through a stiff jaw. "Pearl!" An all-too-familiar cry of relief could be perceived nearby. The thundering of anticipating footsteps drew closer until a pair of eager lips slammed down upon her own. "Yeesh. Get a room, you two." Amethyst appeared at her side, casting a jealous glance to the floor. "How can this possibly be real?" She reached up and stroked the sides of Garnet's squared jawline in order to convince her mind of the reality that this newfound fact contained. "When Ruby and Sapphire saw that mutant toss you aside like a rag doll, they decided it would be best to fuse in order to finish off the rest of the monsters. They had plans to unfuse after the battle, but I refused to obey their commands and stayed like this." Pearl attempted to rise into a sitting position and was greeted by a puncturing sensation in her back. "Is Steven Okay? I saw him fall off the balcony just before that horrid creature knocked me out." Garnet took Pearl's contused hand, gently running her thumb along the outside of her forefinger. "He's going to be fine. He was smart enough to shelter himself underneath some wreckage and use his healing saliva to mend a couple of wounds. Right now he's exhausted and sleeping in the loft." Even the reassurance that washed over her couldn't staunch the feeling that some aspect about this situation was abnormal. "Wait a second... why haven't I poofed?" Pearl probed, clinching the ripped fabric on the backside of her shirt. "We all figured that your injuries weren't quite severe enough to trigger a full regeneration. The only wounds that you sustained were a mild contusion to the head, and a few splinters were lodged into your back. Steven tried to use his healing abilities on you, but all he could do was numb the pain for a little while because his powers were so debilitated from fixing his own afflictions." Amethyst joined the conversation with enthusiasm. "In more simple words, somebody's going to have to pull out the splinters by hand, and I'm not going to stick around to hear you squall all day." She plodded over to the fridge while Pearl shot a glare filled with the sharpness of ten daggers in her direction."Don't worry about her. I'm up for the job." Garnet leered. "I knew you'd never pass up the opportunity." Pearl returned the same facial expression. Garnet simpered in agreement and helped her off of the couch, causing pinpoints of irritation to crawl up her spine. She grimaced through the excruciation and limped at Garnet's side. They soon arrived inside the cavernous room. She could sense the energy thrumming from the molten veins in that coursed throughout the area. A decorative fountain stood in the center of the expanse, flowing with a fiery red and orange magma. "Feel free to take a seat." She didn't hesitate to collapse onto the black tiles that pulsated with warmth. "Give me a second." She used a couple of precious moments to take a few shallow inhales, which helped to control the twinges of pain that ran rampant across her back. "Are you ready?" Garnet insisted with her hands hovering hesitantly above her frayed shirt. A slight nod was Pearl's only indication of approval. Garnet pried her top off and took a glimpse of the many wooden fragments that were embedded in her skin. "This might take a while.." She announced as she began to extract one of the larger pieces. Pearl hunched her shoulders and pounded the floor with a clenched fist. A stifled cry of agony was the only sound that managed escaped through her gritted teeth. "Garnet.. I won't be able to take this much longer. Isn't there something you can do for the pain?" A familiar lofty half-smirk formed on Garnet's face. "I think you know the answer to that." She drew Pearl's head nearer to her own with two fingers ensnared underneath her chin. Pearl's thin lips hastily conjoined with her leader's in a lascivious embrace. Garnet's hands traveled to her back where she pried another fragmentation free from Pearl's flesh. Her body tautened in response to Garnet's actions, but promptly eased when she felt a hand fondling the clasp of her bra. An erratic palpitating sensation surged through her when Garnet's lips departed from her own and skimmed lightly over the pale skin above her cleavage. her undergarment dropped to the floor beside her, leaving her upper half completely exposed under her lover's touch. She nearly winced when a single finger grazed the center of her bosom. Garnet knelt over her chest and lifted a breast to her lips, tongue fondling the peak with an intensifying intricacy. Pearl had barely released the first of a series of restrained whimpers when Garnet withdrew herself from the engulfing indulgence. "I'm sorry.. I seem to be a bit distracted..." She whispered tantalizingly. "Should I return to the task at hand?" Pearl's eyes grew frivolous. "No! Uh.. I-I mean.. P-please continue." She fervently attempted not to appear blunderingly desperate. "Hmmm.. I'll consider it." Garnet replied, mouth now descending the length of her flat stomach. She wavered yet again when she reached the hem of Pearl's tight yellow shorts. Pearl nodded her conformation, teeth clamped down upon her lower lip. Garnet peeled back the clothing gradually, revealing a pair of lace-patterned white underwear. A damp stain had already begun to form upon the fabric from the teasing manner in which her lover pursued her prize with such vehemence. Garnet ran a fingertip along the complicated lace borders, causing her to shudder with a sudden vulnerability. "Don't bother with your teasing.." Pearl studied her with a faux childlike expression in her pale eyes that appeared as if they had been constructed of a crisp morning sky. Garnet slipped a finger underneath the thin barrier, brushing along the sweltering warmth of her complexion. Pearl displayed no outward signs of delectation, the only exception being a sharp inhale. The meandering finger permeated her entrance, sinking pleasurably into the depths before withdrawing itself. A second digit swifly joined the first causing a rise in the speed at which Garnet inserted and extracted herself. By now Pearl's face was contorted with a voluptuous lust, eyes peering suggestively as she wrapped her lanky arms around the nape of Garnet's neck. Her hands tugged at the rouge curls impishly. She watched with satisfaction as a mouth trailed farther up her rigid inner thighs until it arrived at its reward. Garnet removed her hand and stripped the last of her garments off, revealing her full physique. "Don't you dare bother being gentle with me." She breathed enticingly in her ear before allowing her hands to wander lithely until she discovered the zipper on the back of Garnet's suit. She pulled it downwards, the previously tight clothing slipping off of her broad shoulders and slumping unsecured around her abdomen. Pearl groaned unrestrained when Garnet's tongue converged with her throbbing core. The pace at which her mouth persistently ascended and declined accelerated consistently. Beads of perspiration formed around the gemstone atop her forehead, which was beginning to emit a scintillating glow that enveloped both her and her lover. As she approached the crest of her climax, she forced her eyes shut and arched her back. A volley of dense fluid was graciously liberated from between her legs. "that was..." a voice not unlike her own muttered. She was vaguely aware that she had spoken the words aloud, yet the sound was somewhat disembodied. "Wait a second.. Did you.. Did we.. fuse?" A half-dressed Sardonyx sat in the midst of the space. Her head was almost at an equivalent height with the ceiling. perplexity was the predominant emotion exhibited on her face as her hands situated themselves  upon her temples. An underlying elation rested beneath her confusion, however. "How absurdly coincidental. Hm." 

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