Forty Eight

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Cameron POV

Today's Anthony's court date. Tyler's coming to pick me and the babies up in about and hour, but I haven't told my parents that I'm going. I know all they're going to try to do is stop me- especially my father and I don't feel like going through all of that so I'm just going to leave without them knowing.

These past threes days with the babies and my family have been super stressful. Taleah and Anthony jr. cry so much, I can never sleep. And I've only had to deal with this for less than a week so I know I'm in store for a lot. My father is always trying to get into some type of argument with me. His son is always putting his two cents in. And my mom is taking care of her kid- my baby brother- so she's barely ever available.

"Come on Taleah I just changed you." I groan to myself. Taleah dirtied her diaper as soon as I put a new one on her. While I'm trying to change Leah, Aj starts to scream-cry and thrash around out of nowhere. And that makes Leah start to cry and thrash around too which makes it difficult for me to put her pamper on.

I do it as best as I can which is lopsided but at this point I don't even care. I pick Aj and Leah up and cradle them in my arms, hoping to stop the crying. It's hard for me to know what they're crying for when they're crying. Sometimes it's because of a full diaper, others it's because they're hungry. Sometimes they just want to be held. In this case, they do want to be held because as soon as I have them in my arms the crying stops.

I fed them already but I put extra bottles along with diapers and bibs in a baby bag that Tyler's mother bought for me. I put their white onesies on then finally start getting ready myself. I put them in their car seats and bring them into the bathroom so I can keep an eye on them as I shower. When I get out I put on black jeans and black t shirt. I've gained some weight from the pregnancy so I really don't wear anything besides black t shirts.

My phone starts to ring and it's Tyler.

"Hey Cam, I'm downstairs."

"Okay. I'm coming right now." I hang up the phone. I pick the babies car seats up along with their baby bag. As I'm about to walk out of the house my father stops me by walking in front of the door.

"Uh, where do you think you're going?" He crosses his arms and raises his eyebrows.


"And where's out?"


"Cameron, don't play smart with me. You're seventeen years old, having kids doesn't suddenly make you grown. You're not going anywhere go back to your room."

"No, can you move." I say. I swear with each passing day I hate this man even more.

"No, I'm not moving from the door to the house I pay bills for. Go back to your room now."

"No, please move." I say as respectfully as I could muster up.

"You're not going any fucking where," My dad grabs at my babies car seats and yanks them out of my hand making them cry. And that's what makes me livid.

"Don't touch them! Put them down! Put them down now!!" I scream which I think takes my father off guard. His eyes widen but he doesn't put my babies down. I feel myself getting heated and angrier every second he doesn't put them down. My mother came from the back holding Kyle and looking between us.

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