Day 23: What do you want in life?

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I want a home, someplace I feel safe from everybody else. I want a family, a person to come home to, children to make me want to pull my hair out. A job that I feel happy with and makes me want to get up in the morning. I want a life where everyday there can be something familiar and something new all at once. Where getting old and fat isn't going to depress me but make feel like I'm enjoying the future of my children and my partner.

I want a life where I don't hate myself for past mistakes, for hurting people I love and for taking others for granted. I want my children to know that I love them, that everything in my past eventually led to the gift that was them. I want my grandchildren to hear the stories of my past and the stories of their parents and understand that they're going to have stories to their children too.

I want my siblings and I to be close in the future; to keep regular contact; to have visits and play dates and tea and phone calls to catch up. I want to see my parents regularly and have them be a part of my later life and when they go I'll have more than enough good memories of them to share.

That's what I want.

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