A Drink

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I couldn't help myself with the pic. It so cute~ (Also, some characters will be OOC, I thought of this and thought, "I must seize the moment!")

Francis took another sip of wine. What else was he suppose to do? He lost Angleterre again. Now, with Kiku betraying them...

He couldn't take it.

Another long sip of wine.

"You shouldn't drink so much, aru."

France looked up with tired eyes to meet China's sad ones.

China, or Yao, sighed. He was the only one holding everyone together. Alfred hadn't woken up- and when they had explained it to Toris and Matthew...

Alot of tears. Russia was already moving again, but even he was drinking way more than normal.

France murmured something Yao couldn't quite catch.

Yao sighed again. "Get some rest, aru."

And with that- Yao left. Out the door.

It was cold. They had been stuffed in the house so long, they hadn't even realized it had started snowing.

The nation sighed as he walked. He seemed to be doing that alot lately.


Kiku knew something was wrong when he stepped through the mirror towards his friends.

He couldn't control his movements anymore. He tried, very hard, to stop.

But he couldn't. Something a as holding him back.

Yet, when he stepped back through the mirror, he could control himself again.

He was terrified.

He slowly looked up, his eyes wide in terror. Luciano was just smirking.

"Welcome to the dark side, kid. I'll show you to your room."


Yao frowned as he found himself lost in the busy city. He started to retrace his steps, only to be even more lost.

Then he saw someone familiar.

The boy had shaggy blonde hair and big green eyes, wearing his little white hat and green uniform.

Vash, the personification of Switzerland.

Vash looked around worriedly calling out something Yao couldn't hear over the busy American city.

What was he doing in an American city?

As Vash's eyes scanned the area, Yao saw truly how worried he was. He looked like he might cry.

Vash didn't openly cry.

"Switzerland, aru?" Yao yelled over the crowds of people.

Vash couldn't hear him.

Yao repeated his name, yelling louder.

Vash looked over, and apon seeing Chinese man, frowned, rushing over to him.

"Where is she?! I know America has her!" Vash snarled at the chinese man.

"What? Who, aru?" Yao asked him calmly, trying to shove down his anger. Someone else must have dissapeared...

"My little sister, Liechtenstein!" Vash snarled, reach towards his belt. Yao knew he probably had a gun on him.

"Come on, I'll take you to America's home. Thats where everyine has been gathering since quite alot of nations have gone missing."

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