A Answer

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Matthew, or Canada, trembled as he huddled up farther into his corner. Italy and Japan hadn't come back for a while now...

He heard groans from someone in the cell next to him, who he assumed must have been England.

It scared him.

Hugged Kumajiro closer, he whimpered. What was going to happen to him?

He heard soft banging from a cell a bit farther away, then some yelling.

Then someone came down the hall.

"Well hello there." A voice said from above him. It was rough, scratchy, like he just been in a fight- and won.

Canada didn't look. He used Kumajiro to cover his eyes and shrunk back.

"Aw, it's okay. I won't hurt ya. I'm your 2p."

Canada peaked over his bear, who was growling at the other him.

He immediately looked away.

"Aw, come on. I want to see your face."

Canada trembled when he heard the cell door being opened.

There was a snarl and a snapping noise before he felt Kumajiro being pulled away.

"No!" He cried out, startling his 2p back.

Matt sighed. He just wanted to see his goddamn 1p.

"I won't hurt you if you just look at me." He said gruffly.

Matthew whimpered and slowly looked up.

Matt felt his jaw drop. Despite his hair being awfully messy and tears gently glossing down his face, his 1p was...


He couldn't hurt someone with that face!

His bear Kuma, growled from the other side of the cell. He was larger than Matt, with matted shaggy brown fur.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm comin'."

Matt shot Matthew a grin. "You'll be fine. No one can hurt you without my permission."

He didn't know why he was being so nice, but with that face, Matt would never lay a finger on him.


Matt growled. Allen, that ass.

"Comin'!" Matt yelled back, causing Matthew to jump a little.

"See ya later." Matt said gruffly, locking the cell door on his way out.

Stomping down the hall, he grabbed Allen's collar and shoved him slightly.

"What the hell do you want?"

There was a sing-song "swear jar~" from somewhere down some hall.

"Scare some sense into the other prisoners. Franciszek refuses to even look at his 1p."

Matt sighed, grabbing his hockey stick from the others hands.

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