Not the only speedster anymore

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We got back to founder city and went straight to space labs to talk to Micheal about our pyro maniac. "So what else have you got about his guy" "Well it's not good news" "ok what's up." "well I was doing a little more digging around about the last fire and I found something" Micheal and I was all over the computer and he popped up a picture. "Look up at the corner and when I zoomed it in more and cleared the image" the picture focused it was a clear image of Energizer. For those of you who can't remember, he was the guy I saw sucking energy out of a guy and there for got his powers and almost killed me. "Son of a bitch, his back" "ya and from the looks of it he has a new power" "alright keep track of the fires and let me know if anything else pops up." Right as I was about to leave Logan walked in "Logan I need to talk to you" "sure what is it." 

I pulled him aside and put my hand in his shoulder. "so a couple months ago I might a superhuman who could absorb other superhumans energy and there for get there powers. well we found out that his back and his agar to destroy the city" "oh shit." "so I'm gonna give you a choice if you don't want to do this I won't make you but if you do just letting you know it won't be easy." "I'm in man your gonna need as much help as you can get" "alright" "Evan we've got a bank robbery down on seventh" "roger."

I put on my suit and took off, I get there and there's to guys, "for real guys you didn't really think that too guys can rob a bank did you."

They turned around and started shooting at me, everything slowed down and I cracked knuckles. I ran up and punched one guy in the face and I went to go shove the other guy but it was like I hit a brick wall. My hit his chest and the shoulder pad on the suit broke and I felt a crack in my shoulder then I dropped to the ground in pain. "AAAAHHH Jesus fucking Christ" " sucks doesn't it hit" the guy then took off his glove and his hand turned to metal. He went to punch me while I was on the ground but I knew I had know other choice but to run.

I got back to space labs and just ran right into the medical bed. "holy shot dude what happened" "I hit a guy" "wait what" "can we just talk about this later, I think I dislocated my shoulder"

After getting my suit off and taking care of my shoulder Emily walked in "oh hey Emily" "I've said it before and I'll say it again your a frickin idiot." "Ya I know" "are you ok" "ya I'm fine I'll heal in like an hour" then Logan walked in with the same face that Emily had. "Dude what the hell why did you go on a job with out me" "dude if super speed couldn't take him out then flying wouldn't have either." After an hour of lying down doing nothing my shoulder finally healed and I went home. Since I haven't recorded a YouTube video in awhile I thought I would record one to let my subscribers know that I didn't die.

I recorded a couple videos and by that time it was late so I went to bed, it's been a good three days with out sleep trying to deal with all these superhumans.

I was fast asleep when my phone started going off, "hello" "Evan you get to your suit on and get to down town right now." "Why what's up" "Energizers back" with out waiting I got dressed put in my suit and took off down town. I got there and of course Energizers destroying everything "Logan if you want to help me out then get down here now. Hey Energizer" he starts laughing and turns around to me "is that what your calling me now, I like it." Then out of nowhere Logan drops in "oh is this your new partner, ah I'll just kill him to." "Alright dude you ready" "no" "well to bad" I ran towards him and Logan took to the air. Energizer throw a fire ball at Logan and nocked him out of the air and I ran up and kicked him sending him flying back. "Logan you ok" "ya I fine" right as I turned back to Energizer I got hit with a fire ball. "Hey Evan take it easy, that fire hurts the suit pretty good" "copy that" Logan flew in and punched Energizer in he air then slammed him down. "Nice man" as he was getting up I ran up and punched him flipping him backwards and onto his stomach.

Logan came into and kicked him "dude I think we're doing it" "no this is to easy his planning something." I walked up to him and picked him up "what are you planning" then his face turned to metal just like the other guy I hit at the bank. He then kneed me in the gut then gave me a good uppercut to the face sending men flying back. I slowly got back up to my feet "that was you at the bank wasn't it" "oh no Bolt that wasn't me but this is his powers."

I started to get confused, if that wasn't him hen how would he know that this power can stop me. "How did you know about him" now we're walking in a circle and we're right across for one another. "Well once  I saw him stop you at the bank I knew that this was a power that could for sure stop you so I took his power." "You've been watching me" "oh your a smart one aren't you" "you son of a bitch." Then Logan came up behind him and hit him with a metal pole knocking him out "you ok man" "ya I'm fine." But then Energizer bolted up and punched Logan right underneath his jaw with his metal fist. I ran up to him to only get hit in the head myself with a metal completely destroying my helmet.

On the almost unconscious and nearly being able to make out anything, Energizer cane up to me, grabbed me by the throat and lifted me of the ground. Then I felt and weird feeling like I was getting weaker I looked and Energizer was taking my powers.

I used a speeding punch and punched him in the face then speed kicked him in the gut making him let go and falling to the ground. With me being weak I was able to stand on my knees and the he got up and his hands started to vibrate. His looked at me with a evil grin and started to laugh "see ya later bolt" then I was gone. Logan came running and helped me up "Evan you good" I made my hand vibrate to see if I still had my speed luckily I did but not as much as I did. "Ya I'm fine" Logan and I made our way back to space labs but I think it was pretty clear, Im not the only speedster anymore.

Hey guys hop you enjoyed this chapter, sorry that it came out so late just life's been a bitch lately and I was working on another story that is out now called The Rider so check it out but anyways guys if you guys enjoyed this chapter then don't forget to vote and leave a comment it really helps me out and I will see you guys in the next one

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