"Wait until Emily finds out"

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I opened up my eyes and my body felt like a Thousand pounds and my head hurt like hell, fuck what am I saying everything hurt like hell. I Struggle to lift up my head but I manage and I see Emily at my desk with her head down. "Hey Emily when did you get here" "when were you going to tell me" "tell you what." She lifts up her head with her eyes almost in tears but pissed off at the same time. I try to adjust myself into a sitting position but my body stiff, I look down to see why I can't move very well and see that I'm still wearing my suit.

Then the memories of everything that happened last night came flooding back, I didn't know what to do but sigh "ya" Emily stands up and storms out of my room. "Emily wait" the suit was still really stiff because of loss of power but lucky there was a button input at the back of the neck of the suit hat makes it open up so I can get out. I slowly move my arm to the back of my neck and press the button and he suit opens up.

I then get up and run out into my living room to see Emily trying to make breakfast while pissed off, I walk up to her and put hand on her back but then she snapped back and punched me in the face. "Don't touch me, you have no right to touch me again, you lied to me Evan, LIED" "Emily I was only doing it to protect you."

At this rate we are both yelling at each other "to protect me, Evan I'm on the police department I can protect myself." "Protect yourself against all those superhumans, you were just captured by one and I had to save you."

Finally we stoped and we both signed, then Emily looked at me "so does that involve your speed" and she pointed at my head. "Does what involve my speed" "your hair" I looked at her really confused and hen ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My hair was silver, now not all of it was silver see the way I cut my hair is I get it shaved to a two on the sides and back. Then just trim the top, well just the top was silver and it was all spiky like Dante from devil may cry.

"Niiiice I look good" as I was enjoying my new hair I heard the door shut so I ran out to try and stop her. "Emily wait, ok look yes I lied but I won't anymore" "ok prove it" I just looked at her with a grin "wanna see something cool." I ran back in the apartment and put some new cloths on and a hat, I then pick her up and run to space labs, we get there and scare the shot out of Micheal "Jesus Christ you scared the shit out of me"

He then looks at Emily and he just looked at me with a surprised but scared look. "Ya she knows now" " Micheal you new about this to" "I'm sorry but I was on the same page as Evan." "Look guys let's just forget about it now ok Emily you know now so don't worry."

Emily stormed off all pissed off and I would go after her but I have more important things to deal with. "Ok Micheal the suits toast so I'm gonna need your help on rebuilding a new one" "I new one aren't we just gonna rebuild the same one" "nope over the past couple days I've come up with some pretty cool idea for the new one." I took off my jacket and my hat to start getting to build the new suit "oh dude you died your hair I like it" "oh ya um Micheal this isn't die it's actually my hair" "his face lit up and he got all excited.

"So your hairs silver now, that's so fucking cool" " thanks but let's get started on the new suit, Cue the epic montage." Micheal looked at me as if I was really stupid and no his wrong I'm just a frickin dork.

The next day the suits almost done I'm just putting the last couple of touches on the helmet. "Hey the trucks all set to go, how's the helmet coming along" "it's going good, it's almost done I'm just finishing it up." "Um where's the eyes, how are you gonna see where your going with no eyes" " well my friend that's the surprise."

Micheal leaves to go wait for me on the truck after a couple after more minutes the helmet was done. Now I can't Micheal what he helmet does but I can tell you, so I just gave the helmet a major upgrade. Ive programmed it so it has sensors all around my body for about ten feet, so when I'm about it be hit or something the helmet well let me know so I can get out of the the way. Also just for coolness I've taken out the hole idea of the helmet and made them screen eyes that move with my eyebrows, so when ever I'm wearing the helmet people can see what facial expressions that I'm doing. I've also built intense studio headphones in it so I can listen to music while I'm kicking ass, and don't worry I've connected the com links to them. Now last but not least for when I need my suit really quick the hole thing turns into a backpack so can take it where ever I go.

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