A life saver

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So like good boy I did what the captain said and went to my lab, Evan James the lab brat. I start settling in and firing up all my equipment and on my desk is the taser that the captain was talking about. It's pretty much like a gauntlet with the clips on the top and bottom of the wrist. Basically it's a lot faster and stronger, the pins inject faster and it tases the person and Knocks them out. But the thing that's different about my taser to the others is that, after you turn off the power the bins go back into the clips so you don't have to reload. I'm just finishing up the reeling system when my best friend Emily woods walks in "hey Evan".

Emily and I have been friends since the 5th grade. It basically all started one day at recess and I saw her being bullied. And so with me being me I tried to be a hero, let's just say I got my ass kicked. So I guess in away I still got the girl and the bully's never touched her again. And ever since that day we've been friends.

"Oh hey Emily" Emily was one of the detectives in the department. She is like the most badass person here she is not the kind of girl who you wanna break her heart or keep secrets from. After talking for a little bit Emily's partner walks in and knocks over some stuff on my shelf. Right as I he hits it everything slows down almost to the point of where nothing is moving. After a few seconds everything goes back to normal speed, "really Logan" "sorry Emily." Logan was Emily's new partner who was also her brother. Hours later i finally finish the taser and decide I'm gonna try it out and see if it works, and it worked just the way I wanted it to. I start packing up for the day when the captain comes in to ask me about the taser. "James is the....." I interrupt him by pointing at the taser, he takes it and leaves. As I turn around Emily is just walking into the room "hey you ready to go" I let out a long sign of relief and tiredness "ya you have no frickin idea".

We leave the station and start walking down the road, now it's like 10:00 at night so its pitch black out. After we get at least a couple blocks from the station this big group of guys come out of nowhere. To of them have guns and one has a baseball bat and the other three have knives. "Put up your hands and give everything you own" Emily's starts grinning "you guys must have a death wish". then Emily hits a guy behind her in the face with her elbow,then everything slows down again as one of the guys pulls the trigger. So I grab the gun out of the guys hand then push him back, after I decide that I'm gonna take the rest out. So I start punching and kicking and pushing them all over the place. After taking out the last guy I saw that the bullet was still going to Emily so i quickly tackled her to move her out of the way. Everything goes back to normal speed and we get up Emily looks at me with a shocked and confused look on her face. "what the hell was that" "I don't know, an adrenaline I guess from everything" "well whatever it was your a life saver".

Hey guys hoped you enjoyed that chapter, sorry if it was a bit long there was just a lot of stuff I wanted to get to in this one but I will start getting to the more exciting stuff in the next one. So I will giving you guys the next one soon

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