I've got a secret, Can you keep it?

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We put our books away and got ready for the next activity. I looked at the clock, it was about 11:00, 30 minutes until class was over. "We are going to try to make a community circle with our new desks" our teacher said. Everyone started putting their books on their and moving their desks towards the middle of the room, it was pretty chaotic.

After everyone was situated, our teacher put the list of questions for our discussion on the smart board. "Lately I have been hearing conversations about who likes who and questions being asked like "Who do you like?", I just hear these conversations some of you are having. Like the teachers bathroom is above the hockey goals at PE so when you guys are talking while playing hockey I hear your conversations" I exchanged a look with my friend Caitlyn, we talk at PE about things. "Also during track when this window is open I hear you talking because your voice just bounces off like you are shouting in my ear, so this discussion is how you feel about gossip" he said an passed it to one of my classmates who was raising his hand. "When the girls gossip you sort of feel like they're talking about you and when they giggle and laugh and then look in your direction it feels wrong" WHAT!!?? This guy thought it was only the girls! I rolled my eyes and raised my hand to counter his opinion. He handed me the mike "It's also not just the girls and when you are talking about the 'girls' that gossip you are gossiping" I countered my point made. I passed the mike to Caitlyn. "You also really need to trust the friend that you tell a secret to and trust that they aren't going to go telling your secret to their friends" she said.



Short story. Soooo, if your friend trusts you with a secret keep the secret and their trust and don't tell the secret. Also it's not just girls who gossip it's the boys too. Please Vote and Comment!


*N/U: when I feel like it*

*Jk, if I get enough votes and comments*

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