Chapter 15

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Rachel’s POV

“Are we actually going to do this?” Zayn shouts over the roar of the engine, a nervous look on his face. “I can see the headline now, One Direction goes kersplat. Guts fly in every direction.” I can’t help but crack a smile, as I try to ignore the butterflies in my stomach.

“This is so great” Liam shouts excitedly practically bouncing in his seat. For being referred to as Daddy Direction, he sure was acting like a kid in a candy store with this.

“Ok, we are almost to the correct height” the instructor says. Since this is your first jump, you are all going to be going down with a certified instructor. I nod feeling relieved I wouldn’t have to worry about pulling my own parachute.  My instructor comes over and introduces herself to me.

“Hi, I’m Meagan” she says cheerfully shaking my hand. I smile and introduce myself glancing at the boys to see them meeting their instructors.

“How come she gets a girl” Harry complains when he notices my instructor. I let out a laugh, rolling my eyes at him. I glance at Zayn seeing the fear growing in his eyes as we get closer to the actual jump.

“I don’t know if I can do this” he says, his voice on the verge of panic as he clutches Niall’s arm.

“C’mon mate, It’ll be fun” Louis tries to reassure him which doesn’t seem to help. I look over at Niall who gives me a slight smile. I force myself to smile back, trying to quench the rolling in my stomach. The instructors attach our halters to them and test the straps.

“Who wants to go first?” the head instructor asks.

“Me!” shouts Liam, his hand shooting up into the air as if he was worried someone would beat him to it. The instructor nods and the two of them walk to the edge where the door has been opened.

“On the count of three.” He says. “1…2…3” he shouts before letting them fall out of the plane. I hear a whoop of joy as they disappear from view. Louis, Harry, and Niall follow shortly after Liam leaving only Zayn and I on the plane. I look at him and figure he wasn’t going to go next, if he was going to go at all, which meant I was next. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself as my instructor and I walked to the edge of the plane. I peer over the edge, seeing the ground so far away. I feel my knees weaken and my heart starts pounding in my chest.

“Ready?”  Meagan asks. I take another deep breath, closing my eyes and nodding. “1…2…3” she yells before leaning forward, letting us fall over the edge. A blood curdling scream escapes my lips as I feel us begin freefalling. She lets out a laugh and I peek my eyes open before they fly wide open, staring in wonderment as the ground below us gets clearer and clearer. After a few seconds she pulls the cord, releasing the parachute and I feel us immediately slow down. I look around and see other parachutes opened down below me. I let out a laugh seeing the designs of the parachutes below me. I saw one of a cat, one of a carrot, one of a spoon and one of a leprechaun. Either the boys had picked out their own parachutes, or the instructors were fans with a sense of humor. Now I wish I had gone last so I could have seen what Zayn’s was also, probably his face or something. As the ground becomes clearer below us my breathing starts speeding up. Oh my god we are going to crash, we are going to hit something. I think panicked.  About 50 feet from the ground I close my eyes, bracing myself for the landing. I feel a jarring below my feet as they hit the ground and I stumble forward a few steps to catch my balance.

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