One-Shot #12- Beauty and The... Beatles?

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A/N: Hi.

Okay, so I haven't updated in a really long time but I decided "Hey one shots are fun and easy, so what the heck, lets do them again!" (And the fact this story has nearly 5,000 reads, God knows why.) So, I got my inspiration from the musical I'm doing at school "Beauty and The Beast." I hope you like it, because I think this is one of the funniest things I've ever written. 


"Awe come on Belle, I'm gorgeous, you're gorgeous, it's only meant to be!" Johston said to Belle as he put his arm around her. Belle rolled her eyes at Johston's foolishness, and took a step away from his  ginormous arm, his obnoxious voice, and his putrid breath. Belle didn't have the time for Johston's stupidity today, she had to return a book to the library. 

Yes, the library, the place where Belle could be at peace, emerge and herself in different worlds, different enchanted lands, different adventures, and different true loves. Books kept Belle happy, but not just happy, inspired! It inspired Belle to want to go on her own adventure someday, and meet a prince of her own, and fall in love with him. 

But unfortunately, right now all she has is Johston. 

Belle finally made it to the library, hearing Johston whisper things to LePou. LePou was extremely idiotic, and did not understand how to play drums, while Johston over estimated his abilities and tried to show off to women. Belle rolled her eyes at the thought of the two morons in her little village called Liverpool. 

"Well hello Belle, did you already read the book you borrowed yesterday," The Book Seller asked her. Belle nodded, handing the book seller the novel she had completed ever so quickly. Belle felt said to have to give up the book to the book seller, but surely she could read it again soon.

"Have you gotten anything new," Belle asked the book seller. "Sorry Belle, I don't get anything new till next week," the book seller gravely told Belle. Belle felt saddened that she would have nothing new to read for an entire week, but she can always reread, correct?

Correct, she thought to herself as she grabbed her favorite book. 

"Belle, you've read that book ten other times, at least," the book seller said shocked. "This is just my favorite book," she told the book seller. "Well, keep it," the book seller said. "I know how much you like it." Belle graciously took the book, saying thank you several times. She walked out of the bookstore happily, forgetting about every problem. And of course, Belle forgot about watching where she was going, and bumped into a messenger. 

"Oh, are you miss Belle," the messenger asked Belle. She nodded, confused at the the young boy wanted. "This note is for you," he said while handing her a crumpled up piece of paper. She opened it, hoping for it to be long.

It wasn't as long as Belle hoped.

To Belle, the daughter of Maurice.

So, some wolves came by and tried to attack you're father, and he ran to my castle, and being a good person I am, I let him in. Except he's really cared of me, which I don't blame him, and he ran into one of the cells in my dungeon, accusing I threw him in there. So, would you be ever so kind to come save him? If so, come to the creepy castle far away. See you soon!

Belle stared at the note, slightly shocked. "I must depart, thank you young messenger," Belle said before running off and hearing the boy ask for a tip. She ran to her home that she shared with her father, and took his horse and rode into the wilderness, in hopes to find this castle.

When she found it, she got off the horse, and knocked on the door. It opened, and she saw the most horrifying, gigantic, and disturbing things. A beast, who was eight feet tall, standing over her. He roared, making Belle flinch and start to panic. Suddenly, the beast started to cough loudly, and Belle stared at him.

"Sorry, I had a hairball," he said in a much more human-like voice. "Anyways, I'm the beast, but you can call me-- No, just call me the beast," he said while shaking Belle's hand. "I'm Belle, I'm looking for my father, Maurice," she asked him. "Oh, here, let my servants show you the way, they can explain everything, he said while gesturing towards a candlestick and a clock. Belle raised an eyebrow at the beast, but walked up to the candlestick and clock.

"Um, hello," she said while waving awkwardly.

"Hello my dear," the candlestick said to Belle, which made her jump. "I'm Pauliere, and the clock's name is Georgesworth. It's a pleasure to meet you," he said to me. Georgesworth ticked like an average clock, only he waved back to Belle. Pauliere and Georgeworth led her down many passages and sets of stairs, chatting about many memories of being human. They then entered a diningroom, with other objects that could speak.

"Why don't you be our guest," Pauliere said, starting to sing. "We don't have to time," Georgesworth said. "The master would be very displeased!" Belle heard the napkins sigh in sadness, wanting to do their little solo only once. They departed from the dining room, finally reaching the dungeon, which was cold and dark, but it was a plus to have Pauliere there. 

Belle saw her father, who looked realieved to see her. "Father," she said while hugging him. "Thank you for coming Belle, this place is insane," Maurice said, looking extremely frightened. "Anything for you father," she said while smiling. The beast then walked up, waiting for the pause to speak.

"Now, would you two like to stay for dinner or leave," the beast asked politely. Before Belle could answer, Pauliere walked behind Belle's dress. "If you say you will leave," Pauliere started. "I'll set you on fire." Belle stared Pauliere, finally agreeing with her father. "I guess we'll stay."


The dinner was the best Belle and her father had ever eaten. The objects did end up singing and dancing to "Be Our guest" making Belle laugh. That's when the Beast started to change to human. "What's happening to you," Belle asked him. "I had a curse that I would be a beast till someone would come and stay her for dinner, but I had to be polite about it, and they would have to have a good time." Belle felt happy she changed the Beasts life, whose name was actually Richard. Belle and her father stayed at the castle for the rest of their lives, and Belle eventually fell in love with Richard, and the objects finally became normal, being somewhat less crazy.

The End.

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