Bad Memory

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Once they returned to Derek's loft to clean up before the teenagers went home, Stiles asked her, "Can both of you shift, or just you? I thought that was rare."

"Both of us can and it is usually. Remy and I were forced to learn by our mother."

"Forced to?"

Rayne glanced up at Derek, who gave her a small, reassuring smile and she started, "Once my brother and I gained control over our cheetahs, Mother Dearest decided to teach us how to shift fully. She forced us to focus on letting the cheetah take over, making our bodies change and the pain that came with it. I caught on easier than Remy and as a result, Mom pushed him harder until he nearly broke. What she did to both of us would be considered child abuse if we didn't heal quickly. I still don't know why Dad let her do all of those things to us, but I don't bring it up.

"I hate to say it, but I'm glad hunters found and killed her. She wasn't the nicest mother, even if she thought she had our best interest at heart."

"Was she always that way?" Scott asked.

"For as long as I can remember, but Dad told us a story of what changed in her. Mom's best friend was hit by a drunk driver and Mom tried to keep her alive as long as she could by taking her pain. Eventually,her friend asked Mom to kill her. She was an innocent, turning Mom's eyes to an ice cold blue. With us, killing an innocent takes a toll on us, eventually turning our heart as cold as our eyes."

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