Underswap!Papyrus x Reader Chapter 10

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Your POV

It was a cold morning, just like every morning in Snowdin, and you sighed gently as you trudged through the snow. Yesterday you had told the adorable cinnamon roll that was your best friend about your feelings for his brother, and to your surprise, it went much better than you could have expected. After swearing Sans to secrecy, you had blurted out your feelings. He had been psyched at the news, and wanted to help get his best friend and his brother together. Of course, you knew it was going to end badly, but at this point there wasn't much you could do. What you could do was wait and see what that bonehead had in store for you.

As these thoughts swirled in your head, you finally saw the skele-bros house. You had gone for an early morning walk to help clear your head and try and resolve the conflicted thoughts you were having about the situation. Truth be told, it didn't help much, but at least you got a breath of fresh air.

You trudged to the doorstep of their house, and quietly slipped in. You were lost in thought as you slipped off your jacket and headed towards the kitchen. As you approached however, you heard some arguing between said skele-bros. Pausing, you held your breath and listened in.

"BUT BROTHER-" You quickly identified the yelling to be your precious Sans.

"i don't want to." A slow voice interjected, you knew it had to be Papyrus.

"BUT WHY NOT?" The voice you identified to be Sans whined.

"because i don't want to tell you."

"BUT YOU TELL ME EVERYTHING!" You heard faint sniffing.

"i don't want to tell you this." you recognized pleading in Papyrus' voice.

"BROTHER..." Hiccups accompanied the plea.

"ah geez, don't cry over this, it's not a big deal or anything." Some faint rustling, if you had to guess you would say Papyrus had crouched down to Sans' height.

"WHY DON'T YOU TRUST ME?" More hiccups, you could tell Sans' must be crying. You clenched your fist, you almost hissed, but kept quiet. You had started to pick up Papyrus habit of being over-protective of Sans.

"i- ah don't cry bud, i do trust you, i swear." Papyrus almost sounded helpless, obviously he was upset at himself for making Sans cry, and you could tell he was trying to figure out how to stop him.

"BUT IF YOU TRUST ME WHY WON'T YOU TELL ME?" Sans sniffled in a soft voice. That was a first.

"you really wanna know huh?" There was a brief pause and you could only guess that Sans had nodded.

"i guess it can't hurt to tell you," Papyrus paused and you heard a soft gulp, "i don't like anyone."

You felt your heart fall at that comment. You had practically already known that even if he did like someone, it would never be you. But it hurt to hear him say it. Before now, you had always been able to at least hope that maybe Papyrus could return your feelings. You felt tears sting the corner of your eyes, and you walked carefully towards the front door. It would do you no good to be discovered now, and you weren't sure how long you could keep yourself from crying. You heard faintly some more bickering between the two brothers, but at the moment you couldn't be bothered to listen.

You needed to escape. To go far away from this place and this moment and be alone.

Third Person POV

A figure slipped out of Sans and Papyrus' house, tears already falling from their eyes. The figure practically ran, forgetting to shut the door behind them, and headed towards the waterfall.

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