Underswap!Papyrus x Reader Chapter 7

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Your POV

As the day wore on, your apprehension about sleeping with the skele-bro grew as well. You knew you were not going to be able to sleep, but it was too late to back out now. You were sitting in the kitchen, nomming on some crackers, when Papyrus walked in.

"hey kiddo" he said, grinning at you. You nodded at him, mouth full of crackers. He wandered lazily over to the refrigerator, and you couldn't help but let your eyes wander down. A soft pink blush rose to your cheeks as the thought "I'm going to be sleeping next to that" invaded your mind. 

He turned around and looked at you, almost as if he knew what you were thinking, and you glanced away hastily. Papyrus gave you an odd look, and pulled out some honey from the fridge. He sat down next to you.

"so," he began, "it's about 8:30 now... when do you want to hit the hay?" he asked. The genuine concern in his voice threw you off guard. You turned to him, the soft blush returning to your cheeks.

"Um... I don't really care, whenever you want." You said, hoping to take the pressure off you. Papyrus laughed softly.

"heh, if you're sure. i'm kinda getting tired right now actually." 

"Ahh, ok. Sure, when can go to sleep now" You tried to keep a calm exterior but inside you were full out panicking. It was far too early for sleep, but you knew the older skele-bro slept a lot, and probably would fall asleep immediately.

You stretched and smiled a little nervously.

"Well, I'm going to go get ready for bed." you offered, wincing at the awkward nature of the conversation.

"heh alright, have fun kid, i'll be up in a minute" Papyrus said, returning his gaze to the honey. You couldn't help but cringe at the "kid." He always called you kid or kiddo, and you knew he called everybody that, but you couldn't help but think maybe he didn't even think of you as an adult. You pushed the thought away, and you pushed yourself up, heading towards the door.

After you had taken your shower, brushed your teeth and done everything else you needed to do to be ready for bed, you stood awkwardly outside Papyrus' door. You were wearing your normal pajamas, a t-shirt and shorts, but you couldn't help but feel a little exposed. You stared reluctantly at the door, trying to think of an excuse to not knock, but Papyrus would come get you either way. You took a deep breath and knocked twice.

"come in" called a Papyrus in a soft voice.

Papyrus' POV

I heard a soft knock and I knew it was (y/n). I didn't want them to feel awkward, so I offered a soft "come in." They opened the door hesitantly and peeked inside. I couldn't help but chuckle at how cute they were, standing there, awkwardly in the doorway. I was just sitting on my bed, and I waved them over. They slipped in and quietly walked over to where I was. I patted the bed next to me, in an invite to sit down. They accepted.

I couldn't help but stare at them. They were wearing what they normally slept in but, somehow I just noticed how nice they looked with only a t-shirt and shorts. I couldn't help but think how much better they would look in my t-shirt. (y/n) cleared their throat.

It was weird. I knew it, they knew it.

"are you sure you're comfortable with this?" I asked intently, looking at them. They jumped slightly, a harsh blush spreading to their cheeks. I wrote it off as simple embarrassment.

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