Underswap!Papyrus x Reader Chapter 6

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Your POV

It was hard for you to adjust to living with the skele-bros at first. You felt the need to be out of the house as often as possible to still give the brothers some semblance of privacy. You really did not want to intrude on their lives and make them feel uncomfortable. Sans was very excited that you were staying at their house, and he never seemed to mind having you around, quite the opposite in fact. Papyrus as well seemed glad that you were staying at the house, so you never felt unwelcome.

Papyrus went to lengths to make you feel comfortable and welcome in their house, in fact. The morning after your first night in the skele-bros home, he gave you his set of the house keys, saying that he didn't need them anyways since he could just teleport inside the house whenever he wanted. You were grateful that he seemed to need no adjustment to the fact you were going to live with them for the time being.

Sans as well tried his hardest to make you feel welcome. He offered to let you sleep in his bed, but you declined. You didn't want to put Sans in a position that made him feel like he NEEDED to let you stay in his bed. The couch was uncomfortable, but it was far better than the exposed feeling of the Waterfall that you had slowly gotten used to, so you were definitely not complaining.

You did your best to make sure you weren't a burden, and did your best to do more than your fair share of cooking and cleaning. It had been about a week since you had started living with them, and you had made it your mission to make sure the brothers barely noticed you were there. The only time you made your present known was to make them food, or to help Sans make food.

Papyrus noticed your uneasiness and confronted you about it. He told you that Sans and him were actually very excited to have you stay with them, and that you weren't imposing at all. That had put you at ease a lot, and you started to feel more at home with the brothers.
Still, you felt like you were intruding, so you decided to swallow your pride and visit Undyne to see if she knew someone who could hit you up with a new house.

When Sans had left to visit Alphys for his daily training, and Papyrus was asleep on the couch, you exited the house and started the long walk to Undyne's lab. You thought about calling ahead to let her know you were coming, at thought that was a good idea. While you walked through your old 'home' in the waterfalls, you called Undyne. The two of you conversed cheerfully, and she seemed happy that you were coming to visit. You hung up just as you reached the Hot Lands, and moments later you were in front of the lab.

When you knocked, it seemed that Undyne was ready for you, and the door pulled open almost immediately.

"Hey girl!" You greeted enthusiastically, pulling her into a hug.

"H-hey" She smiled back.

"So, how are you?" You asked her. She rambled a bit about how things in the lab were going as well as the new gossip on Mew Mew Kissy Cutie while you two made your way into her lab. You both immediately headed up to her 'room' and she asked if you wanted any refreshments. You declined.

"H-hey (Y/n)?" Undyne asked nervously.

"Yeah?" You looked at her, a soft smile on your face.

"U-um if h-hypothetically I-I l-liked someone, h-how s-should I-I t-t-telll them?" Undyne stuttered. You looked at her, surprised, this was unlike Undyne. You narrowed your eyes at her. You knew she liked Alphys, it wasn't a hard conclusion to make after spending three minutes with her.

"Who do you like?" You asked.

"U-uhh," she mumbled, "a-ahhh d-on't worry a-about i-it."

"Undyne~" you whined, turning to fully face her now, "you can't just say something like that and then not tell meee!"

Underswap!Papyrus x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now