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Sky's pov

It's been 3 days since I last saw Louis, Josh was in the kitchen making me so cookie dough it was all I could eat.

Me: Josh babe I'm gunna the shop I won't be long I swear

Josh: okey baby please be careful I love you

Me: I love you too

I did love Josh but I was in love with Louis, maybe it was just the hormones yea I'll just say it's that. I grabbed my phone and my money and started walking to the shop.

I grabbed some more cookie dough mix from the shop and paid for it, on the way back home I sat on a bench looking out at the amazing view it was really beautiful. I must have been sat there about 15 minutes before I saw him, oh no please no what does he want!

Louis: hey Sky erm how's you and how's the baby?!

I just sighed to myself I didn't wanna start an argument

Me: I'm fine and baby is fine I'm getting fed up tho I just wanna hold our baby

He softly smiled at me

Louis: I know I wanna meet our baby too

He brought one of his hands to my huge bump and put his hand on the baby I shuddered at his touch but I didn't stop him after all it was his baby too

Me: well I best get back Josh is making me some cookie dough

He looked hurt but a little confused

Louis: erm sure and I'll walk you there if ya like

I didn't want him to but before it could say no my mouth had already said yes, he smiled and helped me up. We took a slow walk back we talked about all the things we had done since we split he sounded so upset was this bc of me. When we reached my house I saw a red corsa outside what the hell Edwina the midwife didn't have a red corsa I looked at Louis and he looked at me

Louis: do you want me to come in with you or wait here or shall I go?!

Me: erm

Louis; I'll just wait here

I nodded and walked inside


I heard whispering come from upstairs and he ran downstairs in our blanket I was confused

Me: erm what are you doing I thought you was making cookie dough?!

He looked like he was out of breath

Josh: I erm I was erm

Me: what was you doing?!

He looked down what the hell is going on

Josh: babe I love you so much

Me: I love you too now what's going on

I was waiting for an answer when I saw a girl walk down my stairs not just any girl that was Amy! I was in shock no no NO he can't have he loves me

Me: Amy!

I screamed


Josh: no babe please don't!

I turned and waddled out my house, he ran after me of course

Me: leave me alone!!

He grabbed my arm and I screamed


Josh; no not til you listen to me

He backed me against a wall I was scared

Me: j-j-Josh please!


At this point I feel a sharp pain in my stomach and I feel water running down my legs! I panicked no no this can't be happened, I looked down and started to cry even more

Me: L-L-Louis!

Josh: no I'm Josh!

Me; no LOUIS!!!

He came running into the house and Josh let me go and Louis was by my side within seconds, this can't happen not now!!!

Okey guys sorry I haven't updated in ages but I've not had any good ideas until now love ya guys 💚💚 Sky xxx

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