Chapter 16

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I walked into my house and slammed my door causing the guys to look at me

"You good sis" Trey said

"Yea" I said hanging my purse on the hook and going into the room shutting my door

I got some sweatpants and a tanktop putting them on and threw my dirty clothes into my hamper

I got in my bed and turned the TV on to BET

My door opened and Chris poked his head in

"You and ole boy good" he said leaning against the door frame

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"You and ole boy good" he said leaning against the door frame

"Yeah we fine" I said

"Then where he at cuz he ain't here" he said

"Chris we are fine thank you" I said

"You can talk to me"he said coming in all the way sitting on the edge of my bed

"He thinks I dont trust him" I said looking away blinking back my now forming tears

"What makes him think that?" He asked

"His mom came in saying he had a wife or sum shit like that and he looked away when I said something to him about it and he just went off but he knows I can't trust fully like I trust him but not as much as I want to if you get what I'm saying" I said

"Yeah I get you so he started yellin and shit at chu" he said clenching his jaw

"Yeah its fine he was just letting off some steam"  I said

"Oh well are you gonna call him back" he said

"Should I ?" I asked biting at my lip

"Yeah put that nigga on speaker to" Chris said crossing his arms over his chest

I called Adam and he answered after 4 rings

"What" he said

"Adam I do trust you I really do its just I dont trust you as much as I want to trust you it takes a long time to gain peoples trust if that person has been fucked over numerous times and I'm sor-

"Dont say sorry to that nigga" Chris scoffed and I sighed

"You hanging with other dudes already wow" Adam chuckled into the phone

"Adam can you just listen to me" I said

"I'm listening" he said

"I'm sorry that I made you feel that way but I dont know what else you want me to say you said you loved me right so is this love that your showing me right now if we are in live nothing can break us apart but your letting the incident with your mom break us" I said

"Ight I'm sorry too I should've never went off in you like that but you hanging with other dudes" Adam said

"No I'm not Chris saw me upset and told me to call you so me and you could bypass this" I said

"Imma come over ya house right now so we can finish talking I dont wanna talk over the phone while other people listening" Adam said

"OK I'll see you when you come over" I said

"I love you baby I really do" Adam said

"I love you too hurry up and come over and hang up"I said

He hung up and I looked up at Chris

"So y'all back together or...

"Yeah thank you Chris" I said hugging him

He wrapped his arms around my neck hugging me tightly

He let go of me and left out the room

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