chapter 6

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Khalani pov

"OK so today class you are going to be testing dry ice so I have your names listed right here on the board, go back get your supplies and get seated" my teacher said pulling up the names on the smart board

I was pared with a guy named adam and I looked around spotting a dude who didn't get up

I walked over to him and he looked up at me

"Are you Adam" I asked him

"Yeah why" he said

"Well you're my partner for science" I said

"Man fuck school I'm not doing that shit" he said

"Okkk. Well I'll just do it then and you watch" I said going to  back of the classroom getting the supplies and bringing them back to the desk

"Ok put the dry ice into the water" I said to him

He picked it up with his barehand and tried to shake it off his finger

"You not suppose to pick it up with your hand" I said

He kept slinging his hand and accidently hit me in my face

"I'm so sorry" he said

"Its fine" I said

"Ight" he said

I did the rest of the project by myself and our teacher came to grade it

After she was done grading some girl came over and started talking to adam

"So babe this is your new friend" the girl said looking at me

"Im not yo babe and No we just working" he said

She picked up the glass and put it back down tipping it over and it spilled on me

"Ooops sorry" she said

I spotted rose come in our class probaly getting kicked out from hers and she walked over

"you did that shit on purpose" I said as rose walked across the classroom

"Who you talking to" she said

"You bi-

"Do you have a fuckin problem with my bestfriend bitch"rose said getting in her face

"I never said I had a problem" she said

"That's what the fuck I thought get the fuck on somewhere" rose said

Adam glanced at me for a second before the bell rung signaling for us to go home

I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the classroom making my way down the hall and out the doors

"Aye kahlani!" Somebody yelled

I turned around and adam was running over

"I was wondering if we could hang out sometime get to know each other you know be friends" he said

"What about your girlfriend" I said

"That ain't my girl" he said

" I guess" I said hanging him my phone he put his number in and gave it back so me looking past me

"Who are those dudes" he said

I turned around and Chris,august and trey were coming across the lot

"Who this nigga" trey said

"This is adam, Adam this is my overprotective brother trey" I said rolling my eyes at treys comment

"Nice to me-

"Why you sagging nigga you tryna be a thug" august said

"I aint sagging bro" Adam said pulling up his pants a little

"You smoke" Chris asked him

"Nah" he said

"He lying" trey asked

"I really ain't got time fa no bullshit right now" he said

"You mad" August said

"You'll know when im mad, I'll see you later Kahlani" he said

They all looked at me and trey grabbed my hand pulling me to his car

Adam walked away and we I got in treys car

"I see you with that nigga he gonna end up like the other adam ya got it" he said

I ignored him and he drove off

His ole overprotective ass😑

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