Chapter 2 :

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~ Harry's Pov ~

Whoever this girl was I could tell she was a true fan. 

She knew all the words and pitches in every song to every word.

She had long dark brown hair.

She was beautiful.

The boys and I sang ' little things' to her. She was crying.

The song was over.

" Could I ask for your name, Love?" I asked the pretty girl sitting next to me.

"L- Liliana" She said very quietly.

"Beautiful. " Zayn said with a smirk. 

Zayn walked over to the couch and took her hand and pulled her up from the couch.

"And not just your name is beautiful." He said winking at her.

"Liliana, Love, we still have a concert to put on. But you could go back to your seat. If you would like."

~ Liliana's Pov ~

"Yes, My friend is sitting out there so I'll go back. I have backstage passes anyways." I said walking to the edge of the stage and jumping down the stairs that were blocked off but the security guards opened them for me. And then closed them afterwards.

I can't believe that just happend.

" Liliana, Every girl wants to be you right now. " AnnaLee told me.

" That was so scary." I told her.

" How was it scary? Harry held your hand, Winked at you, Sang to you, Rubbed your back, Zayn called your name beautiful, Then held your hand, Called you beautiful, and he winked at you." She told me.

" I guess, But I didn't know what to do, Or what to say."

" I wouldn't either." 

~ Later that day, Backstage ~

" Hey, love." Harry said wrapping his arm around me.

"Could I could a picture with you and the boys?" I asked.

"The real question is could me and the boys get a picture with you.. " Harry said winking at me.

Harry got up grabbed my hand and pulled me up. 

So in the picture it goes, Liam, Harry, Me, Zayn, Niall, And Louis.

After that picture each of the boys wanted pictures with me on their phones.

After all the pictures were taken we chatted for awhile. 

"Liliana right? " Liam asked me.

"Yeah. Liam right?" I giggled and continued " Just kidding. I know who you are."

We talked for what it seemed like hours.

Turns out the boys all more relaxed and like any other teenage boy. 

"So how old are you?" Louis asked me.

"I just turned 18 today. This has deffiantly been the best birthday ever." I told them.

"Aw. Babe, Why didn't you tell us? We could have sang ' Happy Birthday ' To you on stage." Zayn told me.

" It's okay." I laughed. "The girls out there would have probably just said I was doing that for attention" I told them.

"No. Love, They loved you. Look at my twitter newsfeed." Harry said putting his phone in front of my face and scrolling.

" @Jbeeand1dee: That ' Liliana' Girl on stage tonight was so pretty and lucky. I wish I was her."

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