The Hogwarts Express

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I sighed. My cousins were playing with a snake so I can't sit with them. Snakes give me the creeps. So, anyway, I want to sit with my brother... but will he let me?

Knock-knock. My brother looked up. “Fuck off, Reggie! Weren't you going to sit with Bella, Cissy, Lucy and Snivel?”
“I... Well I... I was... but Lucy has a snake... You know how I feel about snakes...” I stuttered. I thought it would work but Siri's friend stepped in...
“Yeah, right! This compartment is not a place for you snake!”

“But I don't want to be in Slytherin... fuck!” Behind me, Snivellus scowled. Without waiting for permission, I ran in and buried myself into Siri's chest, just like I did whenever I was little and it was stormy.

“What did you say...?” He drawled. I whimpered. Siri looked like he was going to kill Snivellus. There was a change in his silver eyes. “He wasn't talking to you, Snivellus! Fuck off... before you come to Sirius harm!” Despite my fear, I could not suppress a smile. Trust Siri to make a pun in the worst of situations. Snivellus shrugged and walked off. But what Snivellus forgot was... never make a Black make puns...

“Deer Dog! Who does he think he is! That rat!”
“I fancy lion about with you... is that alright nowoooooooo?!”
“That's Siriusly fine with me!”
“What's with all the puns?”
“Deer me, Prongs! After all this time you've known me, do you Siriusly think I'd pass up an occasion to pun?!”
“You always make awesome puns, Siriusly!”
Remus no, wait Lupin facepalmed. “Behave your age.”
“Awwww, you're no fun!” Siri and I answered in sync.

“There are two of them?!” Pettigrew gasped in horror.
“There always was!” We replied.
“Reggie! Stop using Legilimency on me to say what I'm going to say!” Siri complained.
“I was? Sorry, I had no control over that. It just happened.” Siri facepalmed. I kinda like my lack of control over my Legilimency. It pisses off Siri, mother and father. I love it.

“Legilimency? You can do it?” Lupin asked. I looked at him in more detail. He was kinda hot with the scars, mousy brown hair and chocolate eyes... no Regulus, you do not like him.
Anyways, I nodded my head. “Yeah. Siri got Occlumency, I got Legilimency. We do it at awkward times. It pisses off our parents. Siri's a bit soft and doesn't like blocking me out.”

“We'd best get changed. We're nearly there.” Siri said, changing the subject quickly.


Find all the puns! They'll be listed next chapter.

There will be a little Regulus x Remus action but this will not be a permanent ship. It can Severus X Regulus, Male Hogwarts Student x Regulus, Male OC x Regulus, Lucius x Regulus or (if you like the ship) Remus x Regulus (yes, Regulus is gay). You choose, I do not know and I want to know what you think.

Comment the ship you want
Here > _____________

Please comment your suggestion. Many thanks,

~ PoZ

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