Chapter 11

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Kaylie's POV

Oh my god I don't think I have ever laughed so much in my life! There is something wrong with these boys.We were in the car making vines to songs and singing and just messing about but it was hilarious.I'm pretty sure when I got out of the car my face was red from laughing so much.

Jack G is the biggest weirdo ever haha.He took my hand and helped me out of the car and bowed ? Who does that ? Oh yeah,he does.

I looked over to see Shawn helping Rachel out if the car.Why do these boys think that we are incapable of getting out of a car ? But no they looked cute and I'll have to ask her about what went down in that car.Ohhhh mission 1. Might already be complete ?

We went in and the boys paid for their passes but we already had them so we just got wristbands.

"I'M SO EXCITED"I screamed pretty much in Grace's ear.

"Why ? You don't get on anything?" They all laughed.

"Well maybe I will today !" I huffed and pretended to be angry.

"No,no you wont" Can I just say that my friends bully me..

"Matt said that you're a poopy head" I stuck out my tongue and tried to walk away only to find everyone behind me.

Are you serious ? Why must I always embarrass myself infront of goodlooking people and one in particular ! ughh I hate people !

All the boys looked at me like I was crazy but the girls laughed.Why are they laughing ? Oh shitle pops.

"I said that out loud didn't I ?"

"Yep.Now who's the one in particular?" Matt came over and stood beside me while putting his arm over my shoulder.

I'll never get over how tall he actually is.

"I dunno what you're talking about ?" With that I ran to the spinning cups.If anyone follows me fair enough.If not I don't really care because I would go on these all day by myself if I had to.I love them.

Amy,Matt,Shawn,Kellie,Jake,Rachel and Nash followed while the others went to some arcade place.

We all all paired up,

Rachel + Shawn .. Dcsfvkocstin

Amy + Matt

Kellie + Jake

Me + Nash

Wait what ? me and who ? THAT LITTLE SNAKE !! Amy you are dead to me!

Why was he being so cold towards me ? He was adorable at magcon and he's still being nice to the other girls .. What did I do ?

"You know you have to talk to me sometime ?"

"What are you talking about" No expression what so ever on his face ..

"You're being so mean to me lately!You just keep ignoring me and not talking to me ? Did I do something wrong or what ?" Stupid Kaylie why are you letting this get to you. Ughh !.

"I'm sorry.You've done nothing."

"Promise ?"

"Pinky promise"

"You're not doing it right you have to lock it !"

"Oh god I'm sorry how could I have forgotten" we just laughed at him mocking my over exaggerating.I do that alot.Hmm

"Hug ?"

He nodded and we hugged and I almost cried.Nash Grier is hugging me oh my god.Stupid Grace had to ruin it.

"Awwwww"seriously.If looks could kill she would be 6 feet under !

We got on the spinning cups and it was so fun ! I just screamed and laughed for the whole thing and we made a vine because the song that came on was Lipgloss.How ironic.

After that we all met up at the roller coaster and the second I saw it I just started backing away slowly so nobody would cop on to what I'm doing.This was the biggest one in the park and I wasn't going on it.

"Nope.No you dont!"

"Of course you come at this exact moment.HEYYYY"

"Why are you so weird?"

"Cameron normal is boring.Weird is the way forward duhhh!"

"I knew there was a reason why I liked you.Come on I promise you won't die"

"Thanks for the encouragement "

The other boys came too and so did mahogany.Oh my god.I ran up to her and hugged her.

"Im sorry! hi I'm Kaylie"

"You're the one that all the boys have been talking about"

"What ? Why ? "

"You'll find out soo enough don't worry"

She then walked over to everyone else.Oh okay not paranoid at all.We got on the roller coaster before everyone else.We didn't even have to queue.Well this is fun.

I sat in the middle of Matt and Nash and Taylor was on the other side of Matt.We were in the 3rd row.

The second that it started to climb I started screaming and matt just laughed but when he looked and realized I was crying he freaked out.

"Shit ! What's wrong"Matt asked

"Are you crying? oh my god what wrong ?"Nash asked

"Nothing I'm just really scared" Nash looked at me and smiled and then put his hand over mine and kept it there.IS HE CRAZY NOT HOLDING ONTO THE BAR LIKE WHAT THE HELL IS WRING WITH PEOPLE.Oh wait.No it's fine keep it there.

"Thank you" I smiled.

And then I plunged into my death.I screamed and squeezed Nash's hand and all I could hear was him and Taylor laughing at me .Poor Matt was trying make sure I was okay.I wasn't the only one scared though because Rachel was screaming at Shawn telling him it was all his fault.Why do people make these contraptions.

I got off and felt so dizzy.I was clutching onto Nash's hand like it was a matter of life and death.Oh I feel really sick.

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