gummy bears »joke 26

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gummy bears » joke 26

 harry walked around the store with his sister, gemma, looking for the food their mom told them to buy at the grocery store. they walked by tons of isles of food looking for the right one, until they got to the snacks and junk food section. it was for them, not for dinner.



they both looked at all the different types of sweet stuff they had.



gemma picked out some gummy worms while harry was still deciding.



“hurry up, harold. we have to go bring the groceries back to mum,” gemma said.



“i’m coming, hold on,” harry argued.  



harry picked out a pack of gummy bears and carried them in his hand.



“we could’ve just shared, you know,” gemma stated.



“but you got gummy worms and i got gummy bears.”



“there’s not much of a difference,” she mumbled.



“they’re better. in taste and in telling a joke.”



“what are you talking about?” gemma asked.



“what do you call a bear with no teeth?”



“mum’s calling, i’m just going to go pay now-“ she tried to get out of it but harry was quick and interrupted her.









“a gummy bear!” 

[ hope you liked it! :) ] 

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