Chapter 16

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As we got further away from school I pulled out my cell phone and realized that I had missed several calls from my dad. I clicked my voice mail box and started to listen to them. "Hey kiddo I have a big case that me and Charlie are working on so we're thinking about staying at the office tonight. I'll call you in the morning. Love you". I let out a sigh then glanced up at Edward. He smiled and nodded his head.
    "Of course". I rolled my eyes at him. Dammit I had forgotten that he could read minds.
    "You know it's not very romantic if you can just read what I'm thinking. I know most girls would adore it, but I don't". I stated firm as Edward chuckled.
    "I'm sorry Gabby, but your still more then welcome to spend the evening at our house". Edward replied making me slightly smile. I let out a sigh and put my phone back into my pocket after texting my dad that I'd be staying at a friends house.
    "Okay. I'll just need to get a few of my things first".
    "No need. Alice saw what was going to happen so she sent Hailey over". Edward informed me. I shook my head.
    "Of course. At least Hailey understands my fashion sense". I said. Edward smiled and grabbed my hand.
    "Everything will be alright Gabby". Edward reassured me as we pulled up to his house. He parked the car and I got out to find Esme sitting on the front porch with a book in her hands. As soon as I stepped out of the car she caught a whiff of my sent and looked up.
    "It's wonderful to see you again Gabby". Esme smiled as I walked up to the house. I smiled back at her. "Good to see you again too. I'm sorry for intruding on you guys like this". Esme shook her head and ushered me inside the house.
    "It's quite alright Gabby". I glanced up the stairs to see Carlisle smiling down at me. Still amazed me how much Edward looked like Carlisle me yet they weren't even related by blood.
    "Thank you Doc-"
     "Please Gabby call me Carlisle". Carlisle asked of me. I nodded my head and followed Edward up the stairs and passed the picture frame of graduation caps that still freaked me out the second time around. Walking into Edwards room I noticed that sitting directly in the middle was a bed Big even for a queen. I laid my bag on top of it and glanced up at him.
   "When did you do this?" I questioned him.
   "Alice saw you spending the evening here a few days ago and told me". He informed me. I rolled my eyes.
    "So you took it upon yourself to get me a bed". I stated.
    "Yes I did".
"Edward you didn't have to do this. Sleeping on a couch or sleeping bag would have been fine". I said as he sat down beside me. He grabbed my fingers and laced them with his.
    "Not to me it would not be. I'm old fashioned Gabby and I want you to feel special in any way possible". Edward explained to me. I blushed and smiled up at him.
    "Well then thank you". I thanked him. Edward smiled and kissed my knuckles. "Edward can I ask you something?"
     "Anything Gabby".
I let out a sigh. "Are vampires the only super natural creatures that exist?" I asked him flat out. To some it might seem crazy to ask about other super natural creatures, but just a few weeks ago I found out that vampires were real so it only seemed natural to ask about others.
    "No we are not. There are other super natural creatures that walk among humans". Edward stated. I glanced over at him and placed my other hand on his.
   "How many others?"
He sighed. "One more besides our kind. Werewolves walk this world too Gabby". As he mentioned werewolves I looked down at my feet and closed my eyes as a particular memory from my past filled my mind. I shook my head as I felt hands on me.
    "Gabby what's wrong?" Edward asked as I opened my eyes. I glanced into his and  laid back down on the bed.
I just stared up at the ceiling. "When I was a little girl before my mom died I was playing by myself in the woods near our house when I was attacked by...." I closed my eyes as a few tears flooded my eyes. I laid one of my arms over my eyes. "I was attacked by a wolf. He nearly killed me, but thank god that my neighbor heard my screams. He came to my rescue and I will never forget what he did for me". I finally got out as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I pulled my hand away from my eyes and opened them to find Edward kneeled on the side of the bed.
     "Gabby..." he whispered my name. I wiped the tears from my eyes.
     "Ever since then I've been scared of wolves. Most people are scared of snakes or spiders, but no I'm scared of a stupid wolf". I sighed.
     "Gabby everyone is afraid of something for a certain reason". Edward reassured me.
    "I guess so". I chuckled. "I want you to be honest with me, are there werewolves here in Forks?" Edward sighed and stood up. Then he walked over to his balcony. I shook my head. He didn't need to answer me. Just by doing that I knew the answer.
    "I take it that's a yes". I said joining him.
    "Yes, However it is not that simple".
I laid my hand over his. "How so?"
     "Vampires and werewolves are mortal enemies. They despise us for our way of living and so we fight with them to survive. We have never been to war with them, but I could happen someday. Bella knows this and so do they". Edward explained to me. I raised an eyebrow at the mention of Bella's name.
   "What does Bella have to do with this?"
    "Bella's best friend is a werewolf. Jacob Black". He stated.
    "Does she know?"
Edward growled and turned away from me.
    "Yes. Unfortunately and she didn't care when she..." Edward hesitated to finish his sentence and instantly I knew why. Bella cheated on Edward with Jacob even after she knew how Edward felt about him. I shook my head and reached out for his hand.
    "I'm sorry Edward". I apologized to him. Edward turned back around and placed a hand on my cheek.
    "Gabby you have nothing to apologize for. None of this is your fault". He said. "I'm truly grateful that you are the one. My soulmate". I blushed and smiled as he pulled me into his arms.
    "It's late you should get some rest". He stated. I nodded my head as a felt a yawn coming in. Edward led me into the bathroom and I changed into something more comfortable then rolled back into Edwards arm and fell into a deep sleep.

This chapter was quite fun to write and I can't wait for the next one too! Enjoy!

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