Chapter 6

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The rest of the day progressed on and I didn't utter another word to Edward Cullen. I didn't even sit near him at lunch when Hailey invited me over. I just ignored them both. If Edward was going to be so rude and secretive about everything in his life and not answer a simple question then I wasn't going to bother him with my time.
As the school day ended I asked one of my classmates Mike Newton if he could give me a ride home and he was more then happy to. Part of me hoped it wasn't because of my locks, but somewhere deep down I knew it was.
Mike was a great guy and all. Very sweet and fun to be around, but the sport guys weren't my type and I thought that he was more suited for Jessica. I knew that Jessica wouldn't be pleased with me asking Mike for a ride, but I didn't care. I just needed a ride home from someone other then a Cullen or my dad and Mike was all I could think of.
    "Thanks for the ride home Mike. I'll see you tomorrow". I thanked him.
    "No problem Gabby". He said as I opened the door of his car. "Umm.. do you need a ride to school tomorrow?"
    "My dad has a later shift at the station so he could give me a ride. But thanks anyway". I lied. My dad had an early shift tomorrow. Very early, but I hoped that he would be able to give me a ride to school.
   "Cool cool. Umm hey are you busy Friday night?" Mike asked me. I slung my bag up onto my shoulder. There it was. He was asking me out.
    "I am sorry Mike". I lied to him again. "I have to watch my little sister". He slowly nodded his head.
    "Oh okay. I'll see you umm then tomorrow at school". He stuttered a bit before shaking his head. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but he just wasn't my type.
   "See ya". I stated as I walked up to the door of my house. I didn't dare turn around as I opened the door and walked inside.
    "Hey kiddo who was that?" My dad asked me as I rounded the corner into our kitchen. I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and then reached into our cabinet and pulled out a granola bar.
   "Just a friend from school. He offered me a ride home and I didn't feel right saying no". I sorta lied to him. Mike had offered to give me a ride home before, but just not this particular time and I had decided to take him up on his offers now since the Cullen's especially Edward were out of the picture. Probably a good idea too. They didn't seem like my type of people anyway.
    "Well that was nice of him to do. Does he have a name?" My asked me.
    "Mike Newton..". I answered him. My dad smiled and took a sip of his coffee.
   "The Newtons are a great family. They have a nice sports shop just down the ride from the high school and I always did think that Mike was a nice kid". My dad just trailed on. I rolled my eyes and slowly inched my way out of the kitchen and up to my room.

As the next day of school approached I tried my very best to avoid any interaction once again with Edward or Hailey. And I could tell that I was hurting Hailey, but Edward had told me to stay away so I was doing just that.
    "Gabby". I turned around from my chair in my bio class and found Bella Swan smiling up at me.
   "Hey". I answered back. She moved up from her seat and sat next to me.
   "I'm sorry about snapping at you earlier when I came over. I had no right to interrogate you ex. I'm sorry". She apologized to me.
   "You don't have to apologize to me Bella. You were just curious about me hanging out with him, but you don't have to anymore". I replied back to her. She raised an eyebrow at me and I knew that she had no idea what I was talking about.
   "What do you mean I don't have to worry about that anymore?" Bella asked me.
   "Edward made it very clear that he wants me to leave him alone so that's fine by me. If he doesn't want to talk to me then I don't want to talk to him". I explained to her. If Edward didn't want to open up to me then I wasn't going to try with him. I didn't need to waste my time on someone who didn't want to talk to others.
    "Did you piss him off before he said this?"
    "Yeah, but what does it matter".
    "It matters a lot. What did you-"
Just as Bella was about to finish her sentence the bell for the last class of the day beeped. I reached down to pick up my bag and when I looked back up she was gone. I just rolled my eyes and met Mike at the Math room for the last class of the day.

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