Mate (31)

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I was actually tearing up a little while I finished writing this, after most of my finals are done. It was pretty fun writing this up, and I hope you had fun reading this. It took a long time, but it got done. I hope you enjoy it. This is the end.

"What now!" The horrible man asked impatiently, looking at one of his men who was coming running towards them.

Pierce didn't see him until he entered the almost barn-sized shed, filled with with boxes, fishing supplies, some gardening tools...her eyes narrowed on a decent pair of shears, and not far behind, a sheath of arrows and a bow amidst other hunting weapons.

"We were doing our watch, but Sammy hasn't answered yet, I went by his post, and he wasn't there, I called out, but there wasn't even a peep."

This news changed the horrible man's coolly demeanour.  "Looks like the other wolf decided to come after all. Jay, you stay here to watch over them, the rest, let's go get us some pelt."

As he went out, he struck Scott's face. "I had high hopes for you, my dear boy."

Pierce waited a few minutes, to let Scott get his bearings again, and to make sure the other men where really gone.

She was chafing her wrists, to the point of drawing blood as she tried to get her hands untied. She was being somewhat successful, and when one was partially freed, she put her plan in motion. "Did you hear that?" She half whispered.

"What?" The man named Jay said, weapon in hand.

She turned her head towards the door. "That. Scott, you got that?" She turned to look at him.

Their eyes met, and she narrowed her eyes a little, pleading to go along with her.

He gasped, and turned his ear towards the door too. "Yeah...I do." He smiled a little.

So did Pierce.

The man named Jay looked just frightened enough to want to check out the supposed noise. Pierce figured it'd give them about five minutes to escape.Moments after Jay went out, Pierce was on her feet, rubbing the rope on the shears. When she got free, Jay was almost coming in. She hid behind the door.

When the poor, unlucky man came in, he saw that Scott was still there. Pierce hit him with the blunt part of the shears, then stabbed him on the leg.

"Why did you hit him twice?" Scott asked as he went up to him.

"I don't know, I panicked. This is the first time I've been kidnapped and almost murdered. I'm not familiar with the escape protocol and etiquette." She said silently, setting him free.

She got the bow and arrows, and Scott kept the shears. "The only safe way is through the woods. I think if we head west, we get to the camp. My house is close from there, and so is my parent's. We'll be safe as soon as we hit either of those territories, I think."

"Okay, lead the way. I do not want to be here when the big bad furs tear through the place." He said as the made their way outside.

It was too quiet. The men were far off. When they entered the tree line, a lone howl to the moon was heard close by. It was terrifying, and chilling to the bone. It almost made her stop and want to curl into a ball, frozen on the spot. "Looks like the Calvary is here." Scott murmured behind her.

"THE GIRL AND SCOTT ARE GONE!" Scott's angry uncle yelled, which made the duo quicken their pace.

Soon, they started running. Minutes after, shoots were being fired, and howls and barks mixed with the sound of human screams, and some yells coming behind them. "They went this way." The voice of the angry men led a search for them, as the rest of the group stayed back to fend off the pack of wolves that had descended upon on them.

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