One: Volunteers or Something Else?

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One: Volunteers or Something Else?

A SUPER-AMAZING MEGA-SEXY blond is trudging down a forest path, wearily listening to his friend chatter animatedly to him as he drinks his coffee. His friend is fairly pretty; she's a long-haired Asian with purple-lowlights that are brighter than they need to be.

The super-amazing mega-sexy blond is wearing the boys' Ever Star Academy uniform: the black blazer, the long-sleeved white shirt, both with the Ever Star Academy insignia over the breast pocket, the loose green tie, annoyingly tight―but mysteriously flexible―black pants, black belt, and black dress shoes.

The Asian is wearing the girls' Ever Star Academy uniform: the black blazer, the long-sleeved white blouse, both with the Academy insignia over the breast pocket, the green tie, the black skirt, green tights, and black boots.

Ugh, narrating is more boring than I thought. I'm done with it for now and for forever. I have learned my lesson and I will never try to do a voice-over ever again, promise. Anyways, let me introduce myself. I'm Matt Storm. If you're an Inside-Worlder, human, Lennoxian, or etc. it doesn't matter. Just kick back and read about the happenings of Animus―it means Mind and Soul in Latin―also known as me. One that involves "magical" experiences, friends from the afterlife, friends that will stay friends to the afterlife, being hunted by five unfairly attractive people who are pretty much the very epitomes of evil, and, for the lack of a better phrase, teenage drama. But hey, it's my life and I wouldn't change it for the world. Or Lennox, for that matter, but that's an entirely different story for another day.


"Looks like the first month's already gone by," I say, stifling a yawn. I raise my cup to my mouth and down a big gulp, sighing in contentment when the blonde roast slides down my throat.

"It feels like we breezed right through it, but at the same time it feels like this one month has been forever." Roxie replies.

The fall breeze gusts by before moving along. Our trek into the forest and towards Ever Star is a little groggy despite Roxie's morning pep, and while I'm at fault for the grog, I can't be blamed since its 7:33am, on a Monday morning. Blech, Mondays...

"Good morning, Sovereign Breeze. How are you?" Roxie asks aloud with a smile.

The breeze that had been playing with Roxie's hair slowly forms into a person-like figure and giggles, waving excitedly before returning to her original breeze-state.

The action makes me roll my eyes as I take another sip. "Zhey're too shy for zeir own good." I sigh, making Roxie laugh.

"Yeah, I know..." She agrees, and her excitement is disgustingly palpable. Why, Roxie, why?

By the Sovereigns, it's too early for this... I think, but choose not to voice my thoughts. I'd rather take another sip of coffee.

 "I still can't believe that I, little old Roxie Phuong, was actually picked to come to the Ever Star Academy!" She squeals, and I worry that I've just lost hearing in my right ear because of how high-pitched her squeal was. I swear, she's on the level of dolphins and dog-whistles... She opens her mouth to say more, but I "politely" put in my two cents.

"Yeah?" I roll my eyes with a sound of disbelief. "Well, 'little old Roxie Phuong', here are some 'fun facts'. You know that you're sharp―at least sharp enough―" she punches my shoulder, and I glare at her for almost making me spill my coffee, "―you use your monster strength– woman power," I correct, but still get another punch, "in a very skilled way, your mother went here―obvious legacy scholarship like mine, it's not like you're dumb, and you are an Inside World citizen." I finish, and she smiles brightly. Though, I know that had been her plan all along: to hear me compliment her.

Storm Cadence Series ― Case OneWhere stories live. Discover now