Three: Yes, I Have Blown Up City Hall Before

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Three: Yes, I Have Blown Up City Hall Before

IHAVE TWO OLDER BROTHERS, Chad and Dylan, and we live with our Dad, Adam, and dad's younger brother Evan.

Dad's first name is Seaton. He has graying hair, and deep blue eyes. Mom always used to joke that his eyes were as deep as the sea. He's managed to raise a blackmailer (Adam), a methodical I.A. who doesn't like rulebooks (Evan), an overprotective mothering playboy (Dylan), a cocky playboy who I really wish I could throw into the Void sometimes (Chad), two amazingly unkillable dogs (Spock and Kirk), and me (not a playboy, because unlike my brothers I'm can't flirt let alone get a date) pretty well since Mom was...taken.

Anyways, Dad is an amazing athlete and he's practically untouchable when it comes to hard-core fighting. Though, he usually doesn't need to fight because most of the time he talks his way out of the situation with his natural "charisma" that swoops people off their feet. That, and he also seems to know exactly what others are feeling. It's as if he has a built-in-lie detector. It's because of this that none of us bother lying to him, and if someone usually wants the truth, they go to him.

Now, Dadlooks much younger than he is, like two hundred years younger. That might have to do with him being a Chosen. So was Mom. She was Luna, which means Moon in Latin. I don't know as much about our history and purpose as Dad does, but he tells me enough to keep me from asking for more. I worry about him though... What if they come for him and...he gets taken just like Mom was? I have nightmares about it sometimes... Most of the time, it's "courtesy" of him.

Anyways, back to Dad.

His Chosen name is Unda, which means Waves. If there's one thing a Chosen hates, it's being called their Latin name. It only brings back traumatizing memories and dreams.

Dad can feel water almost as if it's alive, and it's like it helps him without having to ask. It's almost as powerful as Sovereign Water's Monarch Magic, and that alone is pretty cool if you ask me. Well, that and the fact that he and most of the Monarch Divas are acquaintances. Who has bragging rights like those?

Dad's one of those guys who're confident because they have experience, but he's a sucker for pouts and sugar-coated pleas. I think that's probably because he wanted to have a daughter each time Mom was pregnant with Dylan, Chad, and me. He's usually going to some far off country halfway across the world, and he's constantly in and out of the house. One day he's here. The next day he's gone, and we won't see him again for another week or something... However, you don't really get lonely when you've grown up with this as the norm. Well, also when you have your brother and godfather there to be constants.

Dad's younger brother, my uncle, is Evan. He has black-hair and gold-green eyes. Seriously, I'm not even kidding; his eyes are literally some kind of weird mix of gold and green. He got his looks from Gramps, who was an oculis. Oculises are known for their eyes, hence them being easy to identify, and the best can spot evil intentions from miles away. It's probably because of this that he'd been an Ace in his days at Ever Star. He and Adam were even on the same squad as Aces, and Mom's dad, Doc, had been the I.A. in charge of their squad. Evan is usually the one who has most common sense between all of us, even though he usually throws the rulebook out the window (he has literally done that and it's not limited to rule books) and makes his own rules. A bit unusual but effective.

Onto my next family member, Chad. He's my annoying older brother who seems to believe that his only purpose in life is to make mine miserable. Raise your hand if you're in the same boat. Oh, that many? Good, nice to know I'm not the only one who has a jerk of a brother.

Anyways, Chad has bright red-hair and brown eyes. He's a junior and is in Squad 10-52, the Ace squad that has been doing missions before we'd even gotten into Ever Star. Chad does look like Dylan and I but with our different hair and eye colors, that's where the physical similarity ends. He's the most like Mom by looks, but other than that, he's apparently a lot like Dad when he was a teenager. At least, that's what Evan tells us―Evan tells us a lot of stuff, as you can tell. Now, there's a reason why Chad's such a hothead: it's because he's a volcava. This basically means he's full of melted rock and can withstand high temperatures. One thing that I will admit about him that's cool is that Sovereign Volcanis blessed him when he was born. I call him Cherk, which is Chad and jerk combined together. I've been calling him that since I was in my toddler days. Apparently, it was my first word.

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