Agent, it's Time for Your Briefing

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Agent, it's Time for your Briefing

ALRIGHT, SO I'M HERE TO tell you a little something about my school and my world. But before I do, remember this: you can't tell anyone about what you're about to read. Otherwise, you'll be in a whole load of trouble that you won't be able to get out of.

Ever StarAcademy is a school that my family's been going to for generations. It's a year-round Academy, and the school year starts in August. We have breaks for selected weekends, holidays, spring and winter breaks, and Inside World related board meetings and conferences. No breaks in summer except for the holidays in there. I know what you're thinking: wait, no summer-break? The thing is that what we learn takes time and a lot of practice, but it can be very useful, like save-your-ass useful. Though, that's only if you can put what you learn to good use. Most of the people who go to the Academies end up becoming agents for the I.W.A., but a good sum of them do go into other high-paying careers (they're the ones who actually go to college, instead of going straight to the I.W.A.).

I.W. is the abbreviation for Inside World, and I.W.A. stands for Inside World Agency. I.A. (Inside Agents) work for the I.W.A.

The Inside World is a place where magic and secrecy thrives. It's a world underneath a world. I don't know how deep down underground it is, but it's pretty far down. There are major cities and hotspots like up here as well. Say you live under Milwaukee, then you live in I.W. Milwaukee. Same for other cities. If the city is under the ocean floor or under an uninhabited place, they make up their own names.

The inhabitants?

Everyone who knows about and lives in the Inside World is either a myth or some kind of legend. Something magical or supernatural that humans only whisper and joke about, never knowing that we're out there, that we're real. There are some exceptions to the tell-no-humans rule, however. For example, if you're married to one of us, have a close family member who is one, or even a close friend, you're allowed to have knowledge of the Inside World. You have to go through a whole bunch of paperwork, and months (sometimes years) of monitoring, but it is allowed. And oh yeah, we're real. As real as the unhealthy dependency I have for coffee.

One of the reasons why we're able to stay inconspicuous is because we can hide what we really look like. It's an adaption we've developed so humans (or predatory species that prefer one species over another, and I mean that in the yum-yum-I-can't-wait-to-sink-my-teeth-into-your-flesh way) can't recognize us for what we really are.

The truth about the Academies is only known in the Inside World, and even though they're talked about a lot, they're dangerous to those who aren't friends. The Academies have specialized I.A. who pick students with the potential to become I.A. themselves by sending an invite. Most times, the species of the invitee doesn't matter, but humans are rarely invited. If the invited student doesn't have enough money for tuition or supplies, then they work it off at the Academy. When invitees come to the Academy they learn the truth, and how to control and refine their physical or mental abilities. They also learn how to go through everyday life as an Inside World citizen (if they aren't already one) and Academy student while training to become I.A. Now, onto "Aces". Aces are just students who are much more in touch and in control of their abilities. However, Aces are special because they get to go on missions...while they're still in their respective Academies.

I know that all of this sounds pretty unbelievable, and maybe even crazy, but let me ask you this: how do you think myths and legends are formed? You guys seriously think they came out of nowhere? Sure, the human mind is pretty imaginative, but everything comes from something no matter what it is.

Trust me, we let the humans solve crimes within their own species. We only take care of non-human matters or something that could blow the secret of the Inside World. The Human World isn't ready for us yet. One day it will be, but I know that day won't be coming anytime soon.

Remember when I said that new students learn the truth about the Academies? Well, I meant that the Academies have a cover in the Human World. They're known to be extremely prestigious and expensive when it comes to fees and supplies. It's a you-don't-call-us-we-call-you thing. Speaking of prestigious and mysterious...

More about Aces... They're put in special squads, and it's always freshmen that are given Ace-status. For the next four years they're the it-students, even though no one knows who they are. And you know what else? Even though the previous Ace squad hasn't graduated yet, they've picked nine freshmen this year to give Ace status... This has never happened before, and I'll admit that it's got even me a little curious. It makes me wonder how many of the Aces have magic capabilities. Right, onto that can of worms.

Magic is extremely controversial in the human world, and it can be in the Inside World too. Some think it's not science; others think it's directly related to science. Well, magic and science go hand in hand, since they're opposites. So, they are connected. Contrary to popular belief, not everyone can use magic. See, with science, all you need are brains and tools. To use magic you have to have a special reserve in your body, and even then, you can only use magic if you chant in one or more of the more commonly used legal ancient languages: Latin, Chinese, Sanskrit, Gaelic, Hebrew, Greek, Icelandic, or Norse.

That's about all the forehand knowledge I can think of for now... So, I guess you guys are all caught up with our world. Go on and check out the rest of the story, told by yours truly. And remember! Don't tell anyone else about this. You don't want I.A. breaking into your house at night and massacring your town, do you? Just kidding, they'll only wipe your memory. Don't be surprised if you wake up with your face in your cereal with no recollection of what happened. Then again, you won't remember me telling you this anyway...

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