Chapter Eighteen

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"I was terrified of the dark; so the darkness I became. I was scared of my own demons, so I learned them all by name. I was fearful of the monsters, so I became a monster too. I was frightened by a ghost hunting me, until I found out it was you." 

- Jordan Sarah Weatherhead 



It's like I am going back in time as we drive through the familiar streets of my early childhood. We stop a couple of streets away from my house so we wouldn't be seen. I can hear Asher talking, but I am too engrossed in my memories to hear him clearly.

I can see Jake and me ridding our bikes down the streets with my mom hot on our trail to make sure nothing happens to us. My dad would be out playing basketball with Jake and I would be helping my mom with the garden. I can see the day when my parents told me when Grandpa had died and the day the police came to tell me about the death of my parents. The day when I was separated from Jake flashed clearly as well.

I am snap away from my flashbacks when I feel someone shake me and yell my name. Looking inside the car I see Asher and Zeke giving me worried glances.

"I am fine," I say.

"I don't think you should go in," Zeke says making me turn towards him.

"What do you mean I shouldn't go in?"

"It's just not a good idea, Asher and I-"

"No this is my fight! That son of a bitch killed my mom!"

"That's exactly why it's not a good idea."

I am mad now, no I am furious. How dare he say what I can and can't do?

"I will go in there and I don't need your permission to go!"

"You're not in the right state of mind Thea! You don't have any self control over things like this!"

Zeke's sudden outburst makes me flinch back. He seems to regret his words, but I am too shocked at his new behavior to even stay in car so I left. I know it's childish to run away, but something about Zeke yelling at me and saying my name sent a stab to my heart. Honestly this might even be the first time I saw Zeke mad or yell at anyone, he's usually so happy.

Running past the streets I run towards a small park in the neighborhood. Feeling tired I sit down on a bench and bring my knees up to my chest. I don't know how long I sit there in that position just starting off into space until the world starts to get dark. The sun has already set and the wind starts to pick up making the cold air brush across my face.

"Well isn't this a great surprise."

My body goes rigid as I hear the voice echo in my ears. Instantly, I know who it is and like a second nature I grab my gun.

"Aren't you going to greet your father?" He mocks.

I get up slowly and turn around to see a man I once called my father, but now I can't even bring my self to even call him that word.

"You're not my father."

"Your right I wouldn't want a murder as my daughter anyways."

I glare at him. "If there is a murder here it's you," I seethe.

"Killing your mother shouldn't even be considered a crime. She got what was coming for her."

My fingers curl around the gun on my back and I restrain myself from shooting him.

"How can you?"

"You don't understand how much of a monster she is Thea, but I think it's hard to admit it since you're just like her."

"She did nothing wrong."

He let a humorless laugh. "She cheated on me!"

I shut my eyes trying to block him from my vision. "I don't-"

"Why do you think you were separated from Jake?" I open my eyes when he says that. "Why do you think he got better treatment than you did? Why do you think his foster parents never let you in the house?"

"You did all that," I ask in shock.

"Of course I did! I couldn't bring the satisfaction of killing you, but I got a better one knowing you were suffering. Sadly, my son was blinded by your trickery."

"I did not kill him!"

"My son would have never been affected by this if you hadn't gotten yourself into this mess!!"

"Your son! Your son! Stop saying that! If you thought that he is your son than where were you when he graduating? Where were you when he got his first job and pay check? Huh where were you?!"

Tears are running along my face, but they are caused by anger and frustration rather than sadness.

"No, you are not his father, because you are not worthy enough to be a father!"

He scoffs. "At least I did not go cheat on my wife, I did not propose to a married women while I was still married to another, and I did not abandon that women when she was pregnant. Because that is what your real father did Thea! If you hate me then you will loathe that man, because he is more evil and disgusting than me!"

I step back and swallow a lump that is forming in my throat. "Who is he?"

"Ah, I see they haven't told you."

"Tell me who he is," I growl.

"You seem pretty close to his son. What was his name... Caleb?"


He's my father.

Then Caleb and Raph are my brothers?

"How is that boy anyways?"

"You killed him," I growl.

He scoffs. "I never made him jump in front of you."

"How can you even say that?"

"I don't regret sending that bullet in his chest nor do I regret doing the same to Sam."

That's it.

I kick him on his stomach and he falls back in surprise. I punch him until I feel blood running along my hand, but I couldn't stop. It's like something has come over me and took over my body. I can't control what I am doing, but I didn't feel like stopping. A feeling of satisfaction washes over me as I feel him wither in pain. The distant sound of my name being called brings me up, but I still feel rage for the man on the ground.

"You're a monster," he spits out.

"I know," I whisper.

I hold my gun out and point it towards him.

"And you created it."

I pull the trigger and it goes straight through his heart. 


I need a trailer for this book so if anyone is interested please comment here. 

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