Chapter Three

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Sorry for the late update, I almost forgot today is Friday but at least I did it right :) Anyways Happy New Years!


"She made broken look beautiful and strong look invincible. She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like a pair of wings."




I concentrate on the plate that is laying on the palm of my hand instead of the bickering behind me. Honestly the only think making me not turn around and smash this plate against the women's head is the tasers that are visible from the police man's belt.

"Look at her being so disrespectful," Clara or in other words Satan.

She has made my life in here pure hell than it already is. Ever since the first day she has been tormenting me and she has even made me feel disgusted of myself. Turns out everyone in here knows what I have done which is killing my boss, her secretary, and my brother. Clara, a short yet round woman who is also my fellow inmate, uses that against me but I learned how to deflect her hurtful comments. All I need to do is listen to her and act like her words don't affect me as much, because if I do react then I will give her the satisfaction that she is getting to me.

"I bet that's why her mother left her."


"And why no one want her."

Tired of this I wash off the dishes and I get up to leave. Once I start walking to the next station Clara comes into vision. She stands before me show casing her yellow mismatched teeth and wrinkly old face.

"Oh is little Thea sad?"

I grit my teeth but keep myself together. "Step out of the way Clara."

She crosses her arm and leans back. "What if don't want to?"

I step the other way but she moves as well blocking my way again. I swear it's like we are in pre-k when I am near her.

"You missed some dishes over there sweety."

"Those are yours," I grit out.

"Do I have to spell everything out for you?" she says pushing me back. "Clean them up bitch."

I glare at her with such hate that I see fear start flowing through her eyes but she quickly regains back. She starts to push me again and I let her, there is no point in fighting back. Clara pushes me one more time but this time with more force that I trip over. Before I crash into the floor a pair of strong arms lift me up and steady me.

"Now now ladies calm down."

I look up to see if he truly is the man that I am thinking of and sure enough it is. He is still wearing an orange jumpsuit like me, his blonde hair is tied back and his silver eyes burn through mine as he looks down at me. I could hear Clara gasp behind me from the sudden appearance of a man. Usually women and men are separated unless it is meal time.

"I am sure a lovely woman like you wouldn't want to hurt anyone," he says lowly.

Clara giggles. She giggles. Out of all the damn things she could have done she giggles! There is nothing funny from that statement woman!

"Of course not darling," she says batting her eyes.

I stare at her with a look of disgust. If I didn't know Clara and her attitude around men I would have guessed she is having a seizure right now instead of flirting. In a split second her snake looking eyes land on me.

"Thea quit hovering over him like a slut and get to work!"

Me! I swear the list of people I want to kill just keeps growing and growing. Frustrated I yank my arms out of Zeke's and walk away annoyed. I could hear the devil's voice as I walk away as well as Zeke's stare at the back of my head.

"Don't mind her. You wouldn't want to be around her anyways."

"Why is that?" he asks.

Clara scoffs. "She's a disgusting murder that has no soul so she took other people's souls. If you don't be careful she might slit your throat too."

I stop dead in my tracks and turn around towards Clara. Other people have started crowing around and they all notice me start walking towards her.

She smirks at me probably not thinking much of my sudden reaction. From the first day I set foot in this hell hole I had kept to myself and tried my best not to make a scene, but it's funny how fast everything can change.

Once I am arm's reach from her I pull back my arm and send my hand flying towards her cheek. Everyone gasps at my sudden action but keep their mouths shut fearing what will happen next.

"You talk shit about others but really if you look through a mirror you will see who the soulless person really is," I spit.

I turn to walk away but her arm catches mine making me turn back to face her. She slaps my face but I quickly grab her arm. I pull her towards me and knee her in the stomach. She starts to gasp and back away but I grab her by the hair and push her on to the ground. It's like all the anger that I have kept riled up inside of me just exploded. I start to fly punches at her face and even when I feel the cold liquid dripping from my knuckles I don't stop. Instead I put more strength into my punches and the only thing that kept me from actually killing her is someone pulling me away. I start to scream but I am not sure why I did. Maybe it's because I am scared of the punishment. Maybe it's from frustration. Or maybe I have gone crazy.

The cold wire cords dig into my writs as I sit on the hard wooden chair in the dark room. They have left me here ever since the fight and I am not completely sure when that was. All I know is that I am starving and dehydrated since they haven't given me anything to eat or drink.

I want to cry.

I want to scream.

I want to yell.

But I didn't. I keep it all, I probably shouldn't do that but that's all I know how to do now. Leaning my head back I close my eyes.

When will this pain end?

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