Chapter Eleven

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"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how they made you feel."

- Maya Angelou



My mouth drops to the floor as I stare at the aircraft. Hundreds of controls are at the front of the ship along with huge glass windows. There are about five rooms plus a kitchen and a work room located on the ship. The ship is covered in black for easy camouflage and it uses a very high tech engine that doesn't make even a tiny squeak. My fingers run through the cold metal as I take in the beauty of the ship.

"She's beautiful isn't she," Zeke says in awe.

I nod my head. "Please tell me you didn't steal it," I say even though I know the answer.

He scoff. "Of course I didn't steal a very expensive US Military aircraft that was being watched by the Government... I am just borrowing it."

"Oh dear Lord save me," I plead.

He rolls his eyes and walks over to the control panel and I follow right behind him. He sits down on one of the chairs and start hitting random buttons.

"How many times have you driven this thing?" I ask concerned.

He scratches his neck and avoids eye contact with me.
"What if I told you have the honor of being my first passenger?"

I stare at him in shock.

"What do you mean first? Haven't you driven it yet?"

"Well you see here I was kind of preoccupied in jail for about two years so you know there was that."

I sink down on the chair I am sitting in and cover my face with my hands. Dear Lord I am going to die today.

"Relax Shorty I know what I am doing. It's like driving a car."

"This has nothing to do with driving a fucking car they are both totally different things!"

"No they aren't."

"Yes they are."



I am cut off by the engine coming to life and the world starting to shake. I quickly fasten my seat belt and hold on tightly to the arm rest.

"I swear to God Zeke if I die then I will haunt your sorry ass for the rest of your damn life," I growl.

"Of course you will Shorty, I mean we both know you have a secret crush on me," He says winking.

I stare at him and just roll my eyes. He is the most egotistical person I have ever met, he even tops Leo off and that's saying something.

"Now prepare to be amazed at my awesomeness," he announces.

We are up in the air in about an hour but it feels like a year. I think I might have a concussion from the amount of times I whacked my head against the control panel. My eyes are closed shut the whole time but Zeke's annoying laugh made me open them and glare at him.

"What?" I snap.

"The look suits you Shorty," he says smirking. My hands go to my forehead and sure enough imprints of the controls were on my forehead.

"Well it should be smooth sailing from here," He says getting up.
"Are you sure no one will track us?"

He nods his head. "I made sure this baby isn't getting tracked plus I highly doubt they would come looking for us."

"Why do you sound so sure?" I ask following him to the kitchen.

"We already destroyed our data on their database so they have nothing to go off. The biggest mistakes the government does is keeping all their information all in one place."

He did have a point, I am pretty sure if they wanted they would have found us already.

I lay down in my bed looking up at the ship's ceiling. After lunch I walk around the ship and find a room and collapse on to the bed. I don't fully trust Zeke yet because he seems to be hiding a few things. Not anyone could get access to all the government equipment he has laying around but the thing that bothered me the most is how he managed to swim both of us to safety. To say the least I would think it's impossible to swim yourself and an unconscious girl across the Meditation Sea.

However, at the same time I wanted to trust him because he is the only person I have left. The boys probably hate me by now, I was the reason why their mission failed and Caleb's death. If I hadn't been so persistent in trusting Mike the plans would be in our hands, Caleb wouldn't have died, and I wouldn't have gone to prison.

I seem to destroy everything I touch.

Everyone is gone and torn away from me leaving me in a crumpled mess.

Yet, I still want to get back the plans and fight back. I am tired of having other people rule my life and just walk all over me. I need to find the plans so I won't fail my mother.

She might have secrets that I don't know but she is still the person who gave birth to me and loved me. Same with Jake, he might not be my brother but to me he is my brother and he always will be. Some bonds just can't be broken no matter how hard you try.

I hear a squeak and I immediately jump up and get into fighting position but as soon as I see the person I ease up. Zeke's eyes are filled with pity and I want to claw it away from his face. I hate pity and it just made me angry that Zeke has pity on me. I don't need pity from anyone especially from him.

"Stop looking at me like that," I growl.

He nods at me but he doesn't take his eyes off of me and I am too stubborn not to break the eye contact first.

"We are about to land." He breaks the contact and leaves.

We are coming for you Black.  


Two interesting facts about my books:

1. They are loosely based off of real life concepts but stretched out.

2. Every character I write about has one physical trait or personality quality that I personally have. 

I hoped you liked this chapter and please vote, comment, and share if you did :)

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