The Pro's and Con's of being a Dreamcatcher.

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Everyone just looked at me seriously.

"Well I can see that everone is serious so lets get to business! What is a Dramcatcher and how do I do it."

"Dreamcatchers are people who go into other peoples dreams. You stay in that persons dream for a while and make sure that it is oing right. If something happens in the dream that is not supsto you change it or erease that part from the dream. You can also warn people about things. The warnings will be kinda hidden and sometimes hard to see. You can only warn one person about one subjet though and you cant warn a person for no apparent reason."

Ok Akubah had a lot to say now lets hear what Shukaku has to say.

"The reason why you have never had any dreams is because your body has been preparing for you to become a Dreamcatcher. The job is very hard and takes a lot of control. When you fall asleep your soul will leave your body. You will then walk around as a spirit animal so people don't know who you are. If they manage to figure out who your are, or you told them, you will appear as a human in there dream. You will look kinda different and from now on yo always have to wear a feather in your head."

Then Gaara spoke.

"Are there any pro's and cpn's she should know about?"

"K Akubah how about you do the Pro's."

"Might as well Shukaku. The Pro's are

1) you can see peoples dreams,

2) you can warn people,

3) somewhat see the future,

4) your a very rare person and 

5) you have a lot of power."

Then I looked at Shukaku. I was really hoping that he wasnt going to say anything rude but of course my only string of hope was burnt down by his stare. I mean, who in the world has a stare as piercing as his. Every flippin time he looked at me I wanted to run away screamin mama.

"Now for the con's beautiful."

"Don't call me beautiful."

"Whatever you say.

1) don't go over the limit(theres a limit to how many dreams yo can enter) you might die,

2) don't try to look somewhere the person dosent want you to see, you will also die,

3) don't become evil, this job is for the good and pure hearted only,

4) don't try to kill someone, you will be slowly tortured if you do, and 

5) break any of the rules and guess what!"

"I'm dead"

He looked at me like I was stupid.

"Er no, you will be tortured for the rest of your life with the momories of loved ones being tortured, slowly turn insane, won't be able to survive because you throw up every time you eat, blood will slowly turn to rock, heart will trun to a rock and you would llok like a living nightmare."

"So I follow the rules and I should be good?"

"Yep silly!"

"K when do I start?"

"More likley tomorrow."

When I woke up I felt like I had been ran over a million times over.

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