Part Five: I tried.

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After two days in her room there was a knock on Noodles door. Noodle didn't answer because she knew this was probably Russel wanting to check up on her or bring her food, or 2D trying to talk to her.

Right now Noodle didn't care about anything. Then a small voice said "Noodle please let me in..."  it was Murdoc. She didn't have anymore tears to cry so she let him in. She unlocked the door and then went straight to bed again. Murdoc came in and closed the door after him. He went over to Noodle and sat on her bed.

"Baby girl, is everything alright witchu?" He asked. Noodle didn't answer.
He laid himself infront of her. Staring at her emty eyes. He took his hand to her cheek and asked "what happened baby?" Noodle answered in a little voice "i-i don't want to talk about it..." she quickly pulled him close as she was hurt. Murdoc was suprised but then put his arms around her. Comforting her.

He didn't want to force something out of her that she wasn't ready to talk about yet. So all he did was kiss her on her forhead and then pull her close.
Noodle felt safe.

About an hour later when they both had fallen asleep, there was a knock on the door.
-no answer-
The doorknob tilted and the door opened slowly. There 2D was in Noodle's doorframe. Watching confused as to a Murdoc holding Noodle close.

2D became so angry he ran towards the bed and grabbed Murdoc by his arm. Murdoc awoke seeing an angry 2D dragging him of the bed. They where both on the floor. 2D on top of Murdoc. Fighting. Noodle awoke and was shocked to se them hit eachother. Murdoc screamed "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM FACEACHE" 2D was angry still hitting Murdoc in the face with his fists.

Murdoc hit 2D hard in his face and blood spit out of his mouth. 2D fell on the floor beside Murdoc. Murdoc was now on top of 2D. Hitting him hard. Making him bleed. 2D screamed "I LOVE NOODLE, DON'T YOU DARE TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME!!!"
Noodle screamed at them to stop, but they wouldn't.

Noodle got on the floor beside the two of them and tried to push Murdoc off 2D. 2D was bleeding hard. Noodle always hated how Murdoc violated 2D. But this time it was taken to far.

Noodle took her arms around Murdoc's waist pulling him. Screaming at him to stop. When Murdoc finally stopped to take a breath Noodle dragged him off 2D's body. Murdoc fell on the floor beside 2D and was breathing hard. Noodle sat over 2D crying and held her hand to his bloody and messed up face.

2D just laying there unconscious. Noodle was tearing up while saying "Toochi, Toochi-san can you hear me?!" 2D pushed Noodle away and stood up, and then just walked away.
Noodle looked over at Murdoc still  laying there on the floor.

Some hours later

Noodle was kinda worried about 2D. She wanted to see him. She tought that she should have given him a chance to explain himself. Then maybe this 2D and Murdoc drama never would have happened.
Noodle walked over to 2D's room, she knocked.
-knock, knock-
-no response-
Noodle slowly opened up the door. There 2D was on the ground. He had a belt around his arm and a syringe in his hand. He had empty pill bottles everywhere on the floor. 2D sitting on the floor leaned towards his bed. His head was more leaned back. His mouth was open and he had brighter eyes.

Noodle started becoming worried. She sat down on the floor  beside him and put both her hands on his cheeks. She faced his head against herself and said "Toochi is everything alright?" 2D's mouth was still open. And he was staring at her with one eye wide open and another one half closed.

Suddenly 2D said "I'm so sorry Noodle, i love you. I would never hurt you. I tried to hold on to you. Because this time i know we had something special. But i fucked up. Like i always do."

A tear came from noodles eyes. 2D took his hand slowly up and wiped the tear away. Noodle said "I'm sorry that i didn't let you explain. I love you so much. And i don't want our relationship to end this way."

2D pulled her close in a big hug while Noodle was crying into 2D's shirt.
Noodle finally felt warm and happy. She was still sad about 2D getting hurt. But she was happy to finally be in his arms again.

Noodle took 2D's hand and dragged him to the bathroom. She took a medic kit, and started to clense 2D's face. She kissed him on the forhead when she was done. 2D started smiling.

Noodle removed the belt from 2D's arms and kissed him there. "Please don't turn to drugs..."
2D looked at Noodle and pulled her close. their faces was inches apart.
He looked her straight in the eyes.

Noodle put her forehead against 2D's forehead. Both of them where tired and just wanted to be with eachother.

Noodle said "i'm going to grab you some food okay?"
2D said back "thanks baby, i'm starving" Noodle kissed 2D on the lips, 2D still not having much strenght.

Noodle walked downstairs where Murdoc was sitting at the kitchen table. He had his face in his hands.
"Murdoc-san?" Noodle said slowly.
"Ah, hey baby girl!" He said while raising his head and looking at her.
He had a blue eye. Still not as bad as 2D's face but it looked like it hurt.

Noodle went over to the frigde, and started searching for some food. Murdoc still sitting there at the kitchen table.
Noodle said "i-i'm sorry about 2D..."
Murdoc responded with "what happened between the two of you?" In an annoyed voice.

Noodle turned against Murdoc. Looking at him. He was leaning his head against his hand. "I-i love him... and i was afraid of losing him..."
Murdoc looked up.

He looked pretty shocked at first, then he went full on angry. He banged his hand hard against the kitchen table. Screaming
"what the fuck Noodle, are you screwing him?! He's 12 years older, Noodle fuck!"

Murdoc didn't really care about 2D being 12 years older than Noodle. He was just hurt. Because he wanted Noodle to love him. And only him. He's never had such strong feelings for anyone before.

Murdoc clenched his fists.
Noodle looking at him shocked. He said "I'm going to kill him. I'm going to kill that bastard!" Murdoc got up and ran up the stairs. Noodle yelled "No!!!"

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