Chapter Ten

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Over the next couple weeks I noticed changes beginning to take place in Clark.

It almost seemed as if he was becoming nicer, in another way to put it more human like.

I knew that it sounded terrible when it was put that way, but that's how I felt and how it seemed.

Even though he seemed to be becoming a better person it's like it was happening over night. But it's not like I excepted that to happen.

That would have been nice but it was unrealistic.

Even so Clark was still treating me more and more like an actual person. It was not like he went out of his way to compliment me or anything, but it was little things. He would hold the door for me or simply say "Hey" in the hallways.

And the little things were what mattered, all I had wanted was for him to respect me.

It almost seemed as if he did, even though I still did not know if this was really happening.

Or if this was all to good to be true.



I followed Julius's advice and began to be nicer to her.

Just holding doors for her and saying, "Hey" was what I started with.

I did not want to be overwhelmingly nice to her right a way. That would surely let her know that I was up to something, and I did not want her to know that quite yet.



As I walked in the front door the smell of my father's cooking hit me.

"Hey Dad!", I called.

"Willow is that you?"

I started walking toward the kitchen and yelled back, "Yeah Dad I just got home!".

Rounding the corner I saw him pulling a something out of the oven.

"It smells good Dad"

He turned around and smiled, "Why thank you sweetie, it is an older recipe that I thought we could try out". He stepped back so that I could what he had been making, it turned out to be some type of grilled chicken.

I went to the cabinets and grabbed two plates for us, "Well I am excited to try it".

My father smiled at me as I handed him the plates. He cut some of the chicken off and placed it on plate.

Taking the plate back from him I walked to the table sat down and began to eat, "This is great Dad!".

"I'm glad that you like it," he smiled and said.

We both smiled at each other and continued to eat the delicious chicken he had prepared.

Once we were finished Dad picked up our plates and took them over to the sink, "So how was your day Sweetie?".

"It was ok, but I still haven't finished that stupid psychology project"

"The one you are supposed to be doing with a partner?"

I sighed, "That's the one".

His footsteps echoed across the floor as he walked over to the table, "Is there something wrong? Because you know if there is something wrong you can always tell me".

Looking up I smiled at him, "I know Dad".

He put his hand on my back and asked, "So is there something wrong?".

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