Chapter 6

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Later that day, at around 5:30, after your tea, you decide to go get ready for James' party. You didn't have a large tea because you knew there would be food at the party. Also you didn't really want to feel sick at the party when you're dancing because you've ate so much at home. You get a shower and wash your hair. While you're in the shower you start to think about how the night will go. Who do you reckon will have the argument? There always has to be a argument at a party. Who will be the couple who end up together? When you've finished your shower, you go to your room and dry your hair. Once you've done that you need to decide on what to have your hair like. Down or up? Your mum walks past your bedroom door.

You: Mum!

Your mum walks in.

Mum: Yes?

You: I don't know whether to have my hair up or down?

Mum: Why don't you get your dress on and then see?

You: OK.

You grab your dress and put it on. Your mum steps outside your room while you get ready. You put your dress on put can't pull the zip up at the back. So you decide to leave it and ask your mum to do it in a minute. You walk over to your wardrobe and get out your black heels and a matching bag. You put your shoes on and throw your bag on your bed so you can put your things in it later.

Mum: You done?

You: Yeah..

Your mum walks back in.

Mum: (Y/N) you look gorgeous!

You: Thank you.. Can you zip me up?

You turn round so your mum can zip the back of your dress up. She zips it up. You turn back round and your mum steps back.

Mum: That dress is stunning!

You: Isn't it! I've always wanted to buy it!

Mum: It really suits you.

You: So, should I have my hair up or down?

Mum: It's strapless so I think you should have it down.

You: Straight or Wavy?

Mum: I think you should have it wavy..

You: OK, thank you!

Your mum walks out and leaves you to do your hair. You sit down at your dressing table and get your curling iron out. While waiting for it to heat up, you brush your hair to make sure all the knots are out. Once the curling iron is heated you begin to curl your hair. It takes you a while and some difficulty but you eventually do it. You place the curling iron down and start to brush your curls through. This causes your curls to become wavy. You look at the clock. It's 6:15. You have around 45 minutes until you need to leave. That gives you enough time to do your make up, wrap James' present and get your bag ready. You do your make up. Now it's 6:40. You start to rush round the house looking for wrapping for James' present. The only wrapping paper you can find is a boring blue one. There's nothing on it, it's just all one colour. Oh well, it'll do. You quickly run back upstairs. Well, you try in your heels.. You go into your room and start to wrap James' CD. It's 6:50. There's a knock at the door.

Mum: It's Tom should I answer it?

You: Yes!

Mum: Hello, Tom!

Tom: Hi!

Mum: (Y/N) is just upstairs finishing getting ready.

Tom: OK.

Mum: (Y/N)! Are you nearly ready?

You: Just send him up.

Mum: You heard her. Do you know what room hers is?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2014 ⏰

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