Chapter 4

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You arrive home. You are greeted to your mum and dad pacing by the door.

Mum: Where have you been?

You: Who me?

Dad: Yes you! Me and your mum are going to be late for our reservation!

You: You knew I was staying in school late!

Mum: No we didn't..

You: I told you last night! You most probably weren't listening again!

Dad: Look, we can stand here and argue with you or me and your mum can leave!

You: Just leave then!

Mum: Andrews upstairs asleep, wake him up in about a hour to feed him. Then settle him down for the night at around 7ish.

You: Fine..

Both your parents leave the house. You decide to do some coursework while the house was quite. You set out the whole of your work on the living room floor, turn the TV on a get started. While you half way through your photography coursework you've realise that you've picked up a piece of Tom's work. Should you go round and give it to him or should you leave it till Monday and give it to him then? You decide to just leave it for now, because you can't leave Andrew alone. You set his work to the side and continue with your work. Around a hour later its time to wake up Andrew to feed him. You go upstairs to his room and he's still fast asleep. You wake him up and he begins to be cranky. You can tell he's hungry and tired. You carry him downstairs and place him in his highchair. He begins to settle when you start to feed him his food. You place his plastic spoon in his hand so he can feed himself.. But by the looks of it he'd rather use his hands. While he's eating you walk over to the fridge to see if there's any food in for your tea. You open it and like usual its empty. When you close the fridge you hear a knock at the door. Who could it be? Should you open it or not? You walk over to the front door and look through the window. It's Tom. What is he doing here? You open the door.

You: Ermm Hi..

Tom: Hey.

You: What are you doing here?

Tom: I've just had a massive argument with Ben and Will. My mum has went out and I cant bare to be in the same house as them two.. And I was thinking since we're friends that I could come here.

You: Ermm.. OK.

You open the door probably to invite Tom in. He walks in.

Tom: You doing work?

You: Yeah photography.

Tom sits down on the couch as you walk in to the kitchen to carry on feeding Andrew.

You: That reminds me, I must of picked up your work in photography before. Its on the coffee table.

Tom stands up to get his work.

Tom: Thanks.

You: I'll come in the living room now, I'm just finishing feeding Andrew.

Tom walks over to the kitchen and leans on the door frame. You don't know he's there because you have your back to him. As your feeding Andrew, Andrew just puts his hands in his food and throws the bowl on the floor.

You: Andrew..

Tom starts laughing.

You: You gave me a fright then..

Tom: Sorry.

Tom smiles. You take Andrew out his highchair and set him on the floor.

You: I guess teatime is over..

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