Chapter 2

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Why the hell was he in your house. He can't be your new neighbour! Why you?

Tom: Well I guess we're neighbour buddies too now.

You roll your eyes at him.

You: Yay..

Mum: (Y/N)!

You: What?

Mum: Be nice..

You sigh and smile at Tom.

Mum: Better.

You turn round with your back to Tom.

Dad: I'll just go check on the dinner, it should be done soon.

Your dad runs to the kitchen. Your mum and Debbie start to talk to each other and get to know each other. Ben is playing a game on his phone, and Will is texting someone. You guess it's his girlfriend or something because you keep seeing him smile at his phone. So you and Tom are basically sat there awkwardly doing nothing.

Tom: So when do we have photography next?

You: What?

You turn around to face Tom.

Tom: Photography? When do we have it next?

You: Erm.. I think tomorrow. Why?

Tom: Nothing, just trying to make a conversation starter..

You: Oh..

You and Tom just stop talking. You slowly turn back round and take out your phone. As soon as you click onto twitter Andrew starts to cry.

Mum: (Y/N) do me a favour and go take Andrew for his nap?

You: Fine..

You sigh and get up. You walk over to Andrew, pick him up and take him upstairs. Your mum and Debbie continue with their conversation. While you're walking up the stairs your dad calls everyone into the dining room for their tea. You decide not to rush Andrew to bed because knowing your dad he'll take around 10 minutes to dish all the food out. Also its less time you have to be in the same room with everyone. You place Andrew in to his cot. He yawns and you can see his eyes slowly start to close. You turn on the little night light by his bed and turn his baby monitor on too. You close his curtains and some of his toys were still on the floor so you out them into his play box. You walk back over to his cot and his eyes were close. He was fast asleep. Walking out you can hear everyone downstairs. You walk down the stairs and walk to the dining room. Everyone looks at you when you walk in.

You: What?

Dad: There you are, Where have you been? Your tea is starting to get cold.

You: I was putting Andrew down for his nap. Mum told me to.

Dad: Why did you take so long?

You: I cleaned up some of his toys.

Mum: Just come sit down.

Your mum points to your seat were your tea was. Guess who you were sat by? That's right Tom! Great.. Its not like you have to sit next to him anywhere else.. Oh wait! Tom looks at you when you sit down.

You: What?

Tom: Noth-

Mum: Be quiet and just sit down!

You look at tom and sit down. You begin to eat your tea. Your mum, dad and Debbie all start talking. Everyone else just sits there in silence eating.

Dad: You know you kids can all talk you know?

Debbie: Yeah get to know each other..

Ben: I know two thirds of them all isn't that enough?

The New Boy Across The Road: Tom Daley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now