Chapter 6: The Boy Who Drowned

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"W-Where am I?" Is the first thought to surface your disorientated mind. You feel bitter icy waves lap at the left side of your body; the scent of death and decay surrounding you in an suffocating atmosphere; and the mutilated screams of thousands of tortured souls filling your mind with agonizing fear and misery.

Despite every rational voice screaming for you to keep your eyes closed, to hope that this whole thing is simply a hallucination, a dream; your stubborn curiosity suppresses the rational voices, your eyes snapping wide open.

The moment your vision clears, you wish you hadn't submerge to your curiosity. The supposed night sky is painted deep crimson, as if someone had bleed to death on the sky. The moon is unnaturally black, becoming a void of darkness. The stars that hang heavily in the bloody sky, form gruesome pictures of the most horrifying demons you have ever seen. The whole thing just looked as if Lucifer himself came here, and replicated Hell; only worse.

Your ears twitches slightly when you faintly hear someone screaming for their lives; their terrified shouts mixed with heart breaking sobs. "LET ME GO!" The voice desperately pleads, begging his attackers while they simply snicker cruelly; his desperate cries falling deaf on their ears.

Realizing at that moment that you have the power to move, you sluggish sit upwards to see a rather skinny, blonde boy with impossibly blue eyes flailing around to no avail. His attackers are simply far too strong.

"Hey Brad, you think Benny here can swim?" The clunky boy with short cropped brown hair and stormy gray asks, an almost sinister smirk appearing on his face.

"I don't know, maybe we should find out...." The other muscular boy replies, with his brown hair sweep over to the right side; falling lazily over his emerald green eyes.

"NO! STOP! SOMEONE, HELP ME PLEASE!" The boy who's name is supposedly Ben screams desperately, but you can only watch as movement evades your body.

"This is going to be so much fun..." Brad announces with a devious glint in his eyes.

"So much fun..." The one with gray eyes murmurs in agreement.

Before Ben can make another effort to plead for help, the two jocks slam Ben's frail body into the crimson water; their laughter ringing as they watch him struggle against their tight grip. wanting, needing air. Soon, Ben stops struggling against their grips, slowly sinking into the bloody water like a stone.

"Thank god we got rid of him." Brad chuckles in amusement, as if the thought of murdering Ben gave him some sort of sick pleasure.

"Y-Yeah..." The boy hesitantly agrees while trailing behind Brad, like a lost puppy in need of an owner.


As soon as the two criminals exit your line of sight, the whole hellish place becomes silent. Not the comforting silence that envelopes you while you sleep, but a sort of eerie silence that drives you to absolute insanity.

"Ring around the rosie..." The supposedly dead body of Ben floats to the surface of the water.

"Pocket full of posies..." He slowly stands up, his hand hanging down while it drips of blood.

"Ashes, Ashes..." He lifts his head up, to reveal that instead of his captivating blue eyes, there are black pits with a scarlet pupil dancing with absolute insanity.

"We all fall down..." A crazed look appears on his face, something inside of his mind shattering to pieces as he glitches in and out of this dimension.

"Your turn..." He whispers in a voice that makes your body tremble in fear, the crimson water crashes on top of your body, the disfigured face of BEN staring down at you is the last thing you see before passing out.

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