Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

*Lisa's POV*

"I'm going to have to summon the shadow." I said.

"Wait, you are going to Neverland? Where that monster took Henry?" she asked.

"Yes, I will do whatever it takes to be with Robbie." I asked looking around for things I might need.

"Well before you leave, you might need a change of clothes." She walked into the back of the shop and came out with some clothes.

She gave me a pair of leggings and a crop top. I put them on and tied the pair of black sneakers she found.

"Doesn't the shadow only come for boys?" She asked.


"Then who are you using?"

"Pinocchio." I grinned.

"C'mon lets go, before the sun rises." she said.

We knocked on the door of Geppetto's home.

"Belle," he looked at me, "uh, what are you doing here so late at night."

"We need your help." She said.

"Yes of course. Come in, come in." he closed the door behind us. "What can I do for you ladies?"

"I need to summon Pan's shadow, but the only way for me to get it here is for a young boy to call him. I was wondering if Pin-"

"You want to use my boy? Nonsense! I just got him back! What if the shadow takes him-"

"Don't worry, I will grab his hand. I just need him to say two words and that's it."

"Please..." Belle said.

"Fine." He said. He showed us where his boy was sleeping. He woke him up and told him the plan.

We were all getting into our places, preparing for whatever may come.

"Wait, don't you need weapons to defend yourself against Pan and his boys?" Belle whispered.

"No, I will be fine."

I actually know how to fight people, I have been taking a lot of stunt double classes, so I learned a lot of tactics.

"Ok be safe." she said.

"Ok Pinocchio, say it." I said, preparing my body.

The young boy stood in front of the window and said, "I believe."

The windows flew open very suddenly. Pinocchio ran under his bed. The shadow flew into the room looking for the frightened boy. I grabbed its hand and it dragged me up into the air.

I looked back at Belle, trying not to show any fear.

I was flying above the city and toward the stars.

Don't worry Robbie, I will be there soon.

*Robbie's POV*

I finally reached the bottom of that huge peak. I was walking and found a little creek to stop at. I bent over and rinsed off my face with the very cold water. I wiped my face with my sleeve when I heard someone behind me. I didn't move.

"Hello lad. Are you lost?" oh god please no.

I turned and it was like looking in a mirror. Weirdest. experience. ever.

His face looked so shocked.

"Hello Peter Pan." I said. I did his, well my, signature smirk.

"Who are you?" he asked circling me.

"You should know, when a boy arrives here you instantly know everything about them. " I said, showing him I'm not weak.

"Well then," he closed his eyes, "Robbie, I don't know how or why you look like me, but I will figure it out. I always like my games and trust me, you are a challenge."

I was wondering if he has seen Lisa.

"When you captured Henry, did you see a girl about our age?" I asked.

"No- how do you know about Henry? Are you part of his family? Are you Rumple trying to trick me?"

"No, I'm looking for someone but obviously you are no help," I thought about Pan's fate later on in the show, "Well good luck with taking Henry's heart."

"How do you know so much?" He asked.

I started to walk away, "Trust me, I know more than you think. Now if you see a girl our age, tell her to meet me on the beach."

"I don't think so." He charged at me and picked me up into the air by grabbing the back if my shirt. Damn, we are up very high and I have a HUGE fear of heights.... Ironic right?

"Let me down!" I yelled while kicking around.

"No, it seems you know my plans and I can't have anyone ruining them." He said.

I noticed we were near Skull Rock, which was really far away from the island, especially his camp.

He dropped me on the sand, making me roll a little.

"Well good luck on getting back, " he started to fly off, "oh and, don't worry about the girl. I have that covered." He evilly grinned and flew off.

If I could punch him in the face right now, oh trust me, I would.

Now the challenge is getting back to the main island.

*Lisa's POV*

The shadow dropped me into the water, creating a big splash.

I was flipping under the water, trying to come up air. I surfaced and gasped for air. I started to swim toward the sand, the waves were pretty Big. Saltwater kept getting into my mouth. It was extremely gross. I was swimming as fast as I could, but it seemed that I wasn't moving and this was draining my energy. I decided to give up and hold my breath. the waves were throwing me around. I eventually hit the sand, just laying there on my back, staring at the sun rising. The brilliant oranges and yellows. they then started to dim as I closed my eyes.

*Random Lost Boy's POV*

Pan ordered me to go find some coconuts for the lost boys. I was walking along the beach when I saw a figure pretty far ahead of my laying in the sand. I dropped what I had and ran toward it. It looked like a mermaid, but it had no tail. A girl! I haven't seen one in a long time.

I ran back toward the camp.

"Pan! Pan!" I yelled. I couldn't find him. I saw Felix.

"Where is Pan?" I asked.

"In his tent. Why-"

I pushed past him and straight into Pan's tent. He was studying his magic when saw me and stood up.

"What is it boy?" he asked.

"There is a girl, on the beach!" I said.

"Ah! I see our guest of honor has arrived sooner than I thought." He snapped his fingers and he changed into some modern clothes and his hair was styled differently.

"Now, lets go get her." He had one of his evil grins appear across his face.

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