Part 1

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"Shinhwa Group still feuds with rival company KYL Enterprises. The 5 year feud is still running and bringing a downfall to KYL Enterprises-" my mother shut off the TV and let out a sigh. "Father would be ashamed of you, how you let his company become hated" my voice scared my mother. "Yah! Shut up will you? Your father can't do anything, he's dead, his opinion doesn't matter" she snapped. My eye twitched in pure rage at her comments. "The stupid feud is going to far, it's going to hurt us in the end, but you're too stuck up-" "silence Cho!" Her voice boomed. "Shinhwa isn't going to do anything, now get out, you're annoying me." I rolled my eyes at the witch before me, pivoting my feet and walking out. "Are you all right miss Cho?" A sigh escaped my lips. "She's lost her mind, I don't want to be part of that when she loses it all." I said before walking out of the house towards the school, Shinhwa medical University.

As soon as I stepped through the gate, I knew something wasn't right. People started looking at me, following me, mumbling to each other. "That's her, Junpyo must hate her" I swore I heard a student say. People followed me all the way to my classroom. When I saw my desk, I know exactly why people acted like that. My hand reached out and picked up the red card. It's been a while since F4 has planted one of these, of course they would put one on me. I don't have any control over what my mother does though, the company feud has nothing to do with me. It may be a longshot, but I want to clear my name. I walked out of the classroom, making it to the center of the courtyard before I was surrounded by people holding water balloons, I only hope it's water. "One! Two! Three!" Everyone threw their balloon at me. After the balloons ran out , feathers were poured on top of my head and stuck to my body. Laughing and clicking of cameras is all I heard as my eyes filled with tears and blurred my vision. I didn't do anything, I'm innocent. "F4!" Some female voices screamed out, I caught a glimpse of the tall curly haired man, the angelic looking male, the playboy, and the one who oddly resembles a lizard to me. In my current state, facing them wouldn't possibly work. With tears streaming down my face, I ran off campus and ran home. "You're home early Miss Cho" "Don't notify mother, act like I'm not here, got it butler song?" He bowed at me. "Yes miss Cho" I went upstairs and started a bath. I needed to relax and think.

Guardian Angel: F4 Yoon Jihoo fanficWhere stories live. Discover now