My Justice

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The next day, Roseanna went for her usual Saturday morning jog.  She went through the park, which is a couple of miles from the motel where she left Mr. Cruz.  From a distance, she can see the police cars and reports trucks.

She glanced in that direction, as she continued to jog.    There weren't that many joggers that day, because of the murder that happens a couple of miles down the road.

As she ran, the vibe in the atmosphere just didn't feel safe.  Roseanna didn't understand why she felt this way, but she continued to jog ahead.  She went further into the park, she hears a cry for help.  At first, Roseanna didn't want any part of it, so she turns to run the opposite way, but as the cries got louder, she just had to go and check who was doing the screaming, and why.

She ran directly to the screams.  the thoughts that run through her head were correct.  There was a strange man, attacking a jogger on the ground.   She approached them, "Get the hell off of her!" she yelled as she looked at the ground looking for something to use as a weapon.   The stranger push the jogger then he said, "Wait until I'm done here, I have plenty left for you!" he yelled   "I said get the hell off of her now!" again Roseanna screamed but this time she had a large branch in her hands ready to swing.

"Now what do you plan on doing with that?  If you get to hit, you better knock me out, cause if you don't, I'll be killing you first!" yelled the stranger as he walked towards Roseanna  The jogger meanwhile struggle to get up off the ground.

When the men got close enough she swung the branch missing him.  He gripped onto the branch and they both began to struggle to the ground.  Roseanna began pushing and scratching as they roll over each other on the ground for a while.   The stranger was stronger than Rosie, he grabbed her head and bang it over and over again, hurting her badly.   

Then every change for the better,  the jogger was finally off the ground.  She had taken a dagger out of her purse, which she carried for an emergency.  Being caught off guard didn't give her time before to take it out, but now it was the stranger turn to feel pain.

The jogger realize that she needs to help Roseanna, she quickly stabs the man on his back, causes him to scream, but he wouldn't let go of Rosie's neck.   So the jogger, stab and stab and stab until the man fell over Roseanna body, dead.

The jogger quickly dragged the body off Roseanna.  "Are you alright," she asked as she helped her off the ground.   The jogger waited for her to catch her breath and then she helped her up. "Can you get up?" she asked as she helps her.   Then she noticed the stranger moving, she ran and again stab him a couple more times.  "Die, fucker!" she said as she wipes the knife with her sweatband, and picked up her things off the ground.  "Hey, thanks for trying to help," said Lin the jogger  "Thank you for saving my life.  I'm Roseanna." she said as she extends her hand.  "I'm Lin," she replied as they shook hands.   "Hey, what's up with the overkill?" said Roseanna with a smile.  "That will never be overkill for one of those type of man, they all need to rot in hell," said Lin as both stared at the body.

"So, what about him, should we just leave him there?' asked Lin  "I guess, let's just get out of here." said Roseanna  "My car is over at the parking lot, look at me, I can't let anyone see me like this, they know something wrong happen." she explained   "You know we can go to the police, the man attacked up first." said Roseanna  "What for, they will arrest us, and turn everything around.  They make us out to be whores, they kill an innocent man.  Don't you know that the law only pretends to protect us women, man all stick together, when it comes to the law? I'm not going to no police and if you do, keep my name out of the conversation." said Lin as she was about to walk away.  

"Hey, chill, I don't believe in the justice system either. Look if you like I live further up the road.  I give you a change of clothes, and you can clean up." Roseanna suggested.  "Are you sure?  Me stabbing that man didn't freak you out?" she asked with a smile

"Girl you and I are going to be the best of friends, but, this here that just happens, stays between us, forever.  This never happens, right?" she asked  "That's good to hear, I do need a friend, if you don't mind I'll take you up on that offer." replied Lin with a smile.

The two ladies headed to Roseanna house, leaving the stranger dead on the ground as though nothing happened.

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