My Justice

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Timothy waited for  Roseanna to come walking through the door.  When it turned ten, he decided to call her once again.   "Ring, Ring" the phone rang and rang, Roseanna was fast asleep, Girl pick up the phone," he whispered, after ten rings.  He finally gave up and hung up the line.  "Ten, where the hell is she.  Let me put the leftovers in the refrigerator, I'm sure she'll want some tomorrow.  Poor girl, she still hurting her daughter.  I don't blame her.  I'll check on her tomorrow." he thought to himself as he cleans up the kitchen and heads to bed.

The following morning, Roseanna got up bright and early.  Got dressed in some professional suit.  She picked up the bag with her old uniform.  She no longer had to wear it but for some reason, she took it to work.  When she walked through the building, cold chills covered her body as the memory of the past felt like someone stabbed in her heart.  

She took a deep breath as she hears the whistles of the prisoners, as she passed by the cafeteria, that she had to pass by to get to her new office.   Then towards came Officer Jacob, "Hey, welcome back, Rosie." he said as he walked up to her and shook her hand.  "Good morning, did you miss me?" she asked with a smile.  "Oh, course I did.  You were one of those bright smiles as we all needed. Come to follow me, I'll show you your office." he said   

"Oh, right, this is your office, do you remember the old job you had, collating and filing the prisons file, that your job again the only difference, you don't to the other side of the gates.  This is your office, the Worden, doesn't want that evil man to see you." he explained  "I don't understand the law.  Why if he was sentenced to die, that bastard killed my baby and he gets to sit and his own little motel room   He served dinner and bed.  The man has it made.  I don't understand." said Roseanna

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