My Justice

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Fran made some pancakes and coffee.  When it was ready he took a plate upstairs and knock on John bedroom door.  "What do you want? I really don't want anyone bothering me."  he replied  "Dude, man sorry about your friend, I've made some pancakes, I figure you have to be a little hungry." said Fran as he stood outside his door.   "The door is open, come in," said John as he sat up on the bed.

"Look, man, you do have to eat something, here." said Fran as he handed John the plate  "Sorry, I know I had to take you to the toy factory to apply for a job, if you don't mind we'll do it tomorrow.  Once I get myself together, I need to go visit Tanya parents.  I need to pay my respects." he explained as he started to eat.  "Well, I'm going downstairs, if you need anything, I'll be downstairs," said Fran as he walked out of John bedroom.

He went downstairs grabbed his plate, then sat in front of the TV to watch the news.  As he laid there he kept thinking about the neighbor.  He knew he made a mistake, he went to close to home.  But all he knew and cared about was that he enjoyed every minute of it.  He had no excuse and no remorse.  As he thought and ramidus, a weary smile covered his face.  He then finished his pancakes and grabbed his coffee and cigarettes and went out to the porch. 

He likes his cigarette and with every puff, he grinned and glanced at the neighbors home.  There were still cops there.  The Forensic specialist was now looking for evidence.  The house still was surrounded by police tape.  Which Fran was disappointed, he wanted to go see, but he didn't feel like calling attention to himself.   

Fran sat on the porch while every now and then glancing at the dead woman's house.  Somehow he felt satisfied and smile.  There was something wrong with this man, with a smile so sick and evil.

Fran was happy, he got a piece of ass and got away with it, so he sat there watching and enjoying his smoke.  One of the officers noticed him outside.  He approached him and asked him," Excuse me.  Did you hear anything out of the ordinary about eleven, twelve in the afternoon?" asked Officer Tompson as he sat right next to him.   "No, I was taking a nap.  I did hear the police cars when they arrived.  That what got my attention.  What happens, can you tell me?" Fran asked trying to act concerned.  "You don't know?" asked the officer  "Not really, only what my roommate told me, " said Fran with so much innocent concern.   "What did your roommate tell you?" asked Officer Thompson  "They found his friend dead," said Fran still acting like he was concerned and hurt for his friend lost.    "Well finish your coffee, maybe if you don't mind, we might need a statement from you. so don't go anywhere. Enjoy your coffee," he said as he walked back to the crime scene.   Fran kept his composure and finished his smoke.  He then remembered beautiful Roseanna.  

"Shit, I wonder if she feels like the one I had yesterday?" he asked himself.  He spoke pretty loud, at that exact moment, John came out the front door. "Hey, look, I'm going to go see Tanya's mother.  She just called me crying, I need to go comfort her, if Tanya could talk to me from above, I'm sure she'll want me to help her mother.  Look, if you get hungry, cook yourself some food.  I'll call you every two hours, I need to know you don't go anywhere.  I don't need your PO to give you a surprise visit and catch you gone.  Cause that man really looks like he wants you to fuck up." said John as he grabbed his keys.   "John don't worry about me, I'll be fine." said Fran  "If anyone calls me, tell them to call my cell. Fran, please don't get into any shit.  I'm really not in the mood today.  We'll talk later," he said as went on his way to Mrs. Smith, Tanya's mother house.

Now it was another normal day for Roseanna and her daughter.  She dropped Annie at the preschool and went to work.  While she was at work she received a phone call.  She had just gotten some good news, the job she had applied for was now hers if she still wants it. They asked her when she would be able to start, she informed them that she needed to give her boss and two weeks notice, cause that was the right thing to do.  So Rosanna was finally able to start a job that would be safe for her and her daughter.  Yesterday the man that approached her, did really scared her, whenever any man approached her she got nervous and afraid.  She didn't like feeling this way, and she didn't want her daughter to see her fear.  Roseanna was happy and all smiles, she will finally be able to feel safe.  Something about that prison, that gave her the chills.  Chills that gave her nightmares.

Roseanna typed a letter to her boss, informing him that she was quitting after two weeks.  She wrote down the way she felt in prison.  Having a little girl wasn't making it any easier.  Once she completed the letter, she figures on her way out, she'll slay the letter under her boss's office door.

A couple of hours went by and it was time to go home.  Roseanna quickly making sure that no one saw her when she placed the letter under the door.   Then she walked away looking around making sure that the coast was clear.  Roseanna went to pick up her daughter.  She couldn't wait to tell her daughter the news.   

Now back at John's house, Fran went back into the house.  He remembered the time that Roseanna had gotten out of work.  He looked around, he needed money to catch the bus to the other side of town.  He spotted something useful, a nice bright red fifteen -speed bike.  He quickly hopped on the bike and headed across town to Roseanna home.

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