Fishing for Your Heart《HAPPYXEXCEED!READER》

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Hiii This was a request from a person whom I have forgotten because I'm a bad person

If that person sees this story I will tag you

Thanks for requesting!

Kumoris Pov!

(Before all of you 2 people who read this go "whaaaa" I'm going to tell you how this is going to work. So be humble, sit down~~ -I'm listening to Humble rn- because imma tell yous....

You, the reader, will be MY exceed, and yadda yadda fluff shit and stuff. I will be a dragon slayer because duh, you have to be a dragon slater to have an exceed its the non-official rules! I'm just gonna be a Ice dragon slayer because I just got back from figure skating (I do skating) so I thought it'd be cool (that was a pun lololol)

I dunt wunna continue talking so here the storyyyyy

"Ice Dragon Roar!" I scream, jumping into the air and clenching my fists as the icy wind hit the guy in his chest and he lay flat on the ground groaning.

"Ugh, stupid bad guys.... I had a date today...." I stomp my foot a bit when I land and walk up to the guy, grab his reddish hair, pull him up to me and lean over and growl. He sweats profously and stutters an apology.

I keep my legs straight and bend over at the hips and press my forehead to his and growl, my face shawdowing over with anger. I put one hand on my hip the other on his hair and whisper threateningly, "If you so much as try to come near me and my guild... I will come for you, and I will stab you repeatedly," I began, "In the neck, with a blunt razor... Am I understood?" He started nodding frantically and I released my death grip and walk over to Juvia, who had her mouth agape.

"Juvia is a little bit scared of Kumori-chan..."

I just laugh loudly and hold my arm out and 'pat' her head. She giggles and turns her head, blue locks twirling like waves. I see Gray and Olivia, their 3 year old daughter. (DragonTamer2234?) Olivia runs over to me, jumping into my arms and clinging on tight, I laugh light when I see a flash of f/c and angel wings. My exceed y/n lands on her head and smiles down at the child.

"Uwah! Y/n!" Olivia giggles, bouncing around, her blackish blue hair bounding around and blue eyes wide and full of curiosity.

Y/n flies over to me, and hovers above my face looking down with discontent.

I shut my eyes and laugh nervously at her.

"Sorry, Juvia, Gray and Liv-chan, me and Kumori here need to go."

As I was about to speak, Y/n grabs the back of my blue cape and shoots into the air as I laugh and hold out my arms, bending one knee and pointing my toes as she shot to our home.

Smol time skip
Your Pov
I drop Kumori above our house as she crashes through the roof, swearing.

"Y/N!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAA-" I cut her off by throwing a small blue fish with a red ribbon at her.

"I thought you would speak to Natsu and Lucy about this!" I screech with a blush. Her mouth forms an 'O' as she looks at me then the fish.

"Oh shit, I totally forgot! I was so busy preparing for this date with Rouge...."

"I thought he was dating Sting...?" I interupt

She send me a glare and continues, "Soooo, I was a little side tracked.... and besides.... They are not dating... Both of them are in denial so let me enjoy this until I catch them with tounges down the others throat" She mumbles with her head down a light blush on her face.

I huff out and ask her to go to the guild and talk to her cousin, Lucy.

Smol time skip yeet
"LUCY MY GIRRRRRRRLLLLLL" i scream as I pulled my cousin in for a hug, but trying not to crush her stomach. Little Liam comes up to me and hugs my leg, his big brown eyes make me weak and he jumps up and down calling out 'Aunty Mori, Aunty Moriiii~' I pick him up and kiss his cheeks and squeeze him tight as his blonde, spiky hair swishes around.

Lucy laughs a little and when I put back down the laughing child she turns to me, "Whats up, Kumori?" I scratch my neck and motion to a seat.


A loud bang is heard and I wip my head around, my brown bangs hitting my cheeks and my long ponytail flipping over my shoulder, I let out a loud laugh when I see y/n fly past me and a certain blue cat close behind her crying. They chase eachother around like mad until both me and Natsu stand up and hold out one hand.

They stop and come crashing to a halt. I look down at y/n and smirk.

You see, my precious exceed y/n is in love with my cousins husbands exceed, Happy.

But, shes in denial and wont accept it, even though Happy likes her as well. Shes pretty stupid when it comes to love- which I dont understand, shes so amazing and loveable but doesnt give herself enough credit....

I snap out of my thoughts and see Happy trying to give her another blue fish, "Please Y/n! Accept my love!" He whines and I cant help but feel sorry for him.

Tears prick and threathen to fall from his eyes as Y/n looks at him with a bright blush on her little face. Her eyes widen and she quickly grabs the fish and zips out of the guild. Happy looks at his paws and the whole guild goes silent. Happy actually screams and the guild erupts in cheers.

I pick up Happy and kiss his head and let go of him as he max speeds out of the guild.

Lucy puts a hand on her stomach and pats Liams head smiling. Natsu jumps into the air as Olivia claps and giggles.
Your Pov
I fly out the door with the fish in my hand, I though that I had enough distance between me when I heard Happy yelling in delight. Then before I know it, I'm on the ground with a small blue cat hovering above me, gently booting in the wind. He's got a big toothy grin and I'd be lying if I said that I didn't feel my heart nearly jump out of my chest. My cheeks were pink and his mouth my moving, in a rushed manner and I had to shake my head so I could pay attention.

"- So it was an acceptance of my undying love right, right, right?! Oh please say ye-" I cut him off by quickly kissing his nose and I see him go ridged. A goofy, uneven grin settles upon my face as he zips into the air and hollers.

I call out, "I didn't say yes! Stupid cat!" He looks down and his face drops, I internally scream at myself and when he flies down and stutters out an apology I can't help but stifle a giggle and say,

"I accept, please take care of me!" And he smiles and I feel happy.

But he is still a stupid cat, but that's okay

That's it

Sorry guys, my wattpad has been deleting chapters, just like it did for my O.c OneShot book. I had about 19 chapters ready but shit happens and I plan on getting some more chapters out, thanks for reading!

Oh yeah, you guys make me crack up with your comments I swear tru god

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