Chapter 4

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Kat's pov:

It was morning and the light was shining into my room. I opened my eyes and sat up in bed. I stretched and look over to my right and saw someone asleep on the two person couch.

I crawled out of bed and walked over to them. Their head was down so I couldn't see their face. They were laying on their stomach.

They were dressed in black and had kinda short black hair. The person rolled over and was facing me. He was wearing the same outfit as Papa from yesterday and... What a minute.

"Papa?" I whispered. He must have came in here this morning. I sat down on the floor beside the couch. I wonder if his hair is soft. I reached my right hand up to touch his hair.

Oh my gosh. His hair is so soft. I ran my hand through his hair and I didn't notice he had woken up.

"Is that how you wake people up my child?" I screamed and jumped back. My heart was pounding."Don't do that to me Papa!" I yelled and he sat up and got in the floor next to me.

He grabbed my hand and said,"I'm sorry Kat." He brought my hand up to his face and he kissed the top of it. He brought my hand back down. I looked up in to his mismatched eyes.

"You have such beautiful eyes Cirice." He said bringing his gloved hand up to my face. He cupped my cheek and stared into my eyes.

He leaned in and pressed his lips to my forehead. He leaned back and I blushed."P-Papa." I stuttered and he chuckled. He brought his hand away from my face.

He stood up and said,"You should get dress my child." He walked over to the door."I've only been in here for two hours so I thought about taking a nap." I went to say something but he had already left.

I sighed and walk over to my closet. I looked in there and saw a outfit like Catherine's except mine was knee length. I grabbed it and changed into it. I went and did my usual routine in the mornings.

I slipped my shoes on and left my room. Once I shut my door, I felt someone pull on my dress. I turned and look at the person.

It was a little boy. He put his hands up and said,"Up." I smiled and picked him up. "What's your name?" I ask him and he said,"I'm Toby and I'm 2."

I started walking and said,"where's your mommy or daddy?" "They dead." He said playing with my hair. "Toby! There you are." Someone said behind me. I stop and turned around.

"Oh. Hi Catherine." I said and she hugged me. She took Toby and said,"I'm sorry Kat. I can't really talk right now cuz I have to take my nephew to my moms. The dinning hall is that way. See ya." She left and I went the direction she pointed at.

I opened the door and there were about 25 other sister's here along with about 20 guys. I look over towards the back and saw the ghouls. Alpha saw me and motioned me over.

I walk over there while earning a few glares and looks from some sister's. I stood next to Omega and he got up. "Please have a seat sister Kat." He said and I didn't want to be rude so I sat down. He pulled a seat up next to me.

Wind had brought me breakfast."Wind, you didn't have to do that." I said and he said,"but I insist sister Kat." I shook my head and giggled.

He sat back down and I started eating. Once I had finished, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I look up and it was Papa in his Pope outfit. "Good morning my child." "Good morning Papa." I said and he sat next to me.

I looked ahead and some of the sisters were talking about me. I looked down and started to fidget. Papa noticed and he reached under the table and placed his gloved hand on my hands. You couldn't see under the table from the front because it was covered.

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