Lil Sneak Peek

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Hi everyone I'm so sorry for not updating so here's a lil sneak peek of chapter 6. I hope y'all enjoy

He took me to the table and pulled out a chair that had the grucifix carved in it. There was a another one next to it. I sat down and he sat in the chair on my right.

Papa faced me and grabbed my hand." My child you look beautiful... The mask brings out your eyes." I was blushing but thank goodness he couldn't see it. He leaned in but stop when we heard yelling.

"No!! That one goes to my guitar!!" Alpha yelled and we turned to look at them. Omega yelled back,"No, yours has red on it and mine has purple!! The one in your hand has purple on it!!"

They kept arguing and I looked at Papa. He was pissed."Papa... Are you okay?" He looked at me and his expression softened.
He gave me the same smile like before and said,"Cirice my child, don't worry about me. The ghouls, mainly Alpha and Omega, will fight or argue over stuff."

Papa glared at them and they stopped fighting. I squeezed his hand and he intertwined our fingers. He placed our hands on his leg. I looked across the room and saw Earth.

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